forum Fictional Crushes!!! (We all have them, don't be shy!)
Started by @witchinkayt

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Dude I'm hella gay for Allura. Although I guess I can't call myself gay anymore because I identify as non binary lmao

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Ramona Flowers is pretty awesome….
Also I super gay for Pearl from Steven Universe


Okay I don't really have a crush on Hunk from VLD but I just want to hug him if that counts

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Okay, okay, okay, okay…
so, basically this whole discussion is this one image:
scott pilgrim comic book, best lines haha
Maybe replace "he" with "she" every now and then


I am an innocent child I don't know what you're talking about

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I am an innocent child I don't know what you're talking about


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Hmm…. I also kinda like The Eleventh Doctor, Bill Potts (She's just…. she's Bill, you know?) Martha Jones, Captain Jack Harkness, Rose Tyler- Yeah my crushes are very "Doctor Who" centric.