forum Fanfiction
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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lmao I have so many weird pet peeves when it comes to fanfictions. though I wish they weren't always associated with smut, since a lot of the really good stuff I've read hasn't even been overly smutty, and the writing has been arguably better than some popular novels


I once read a hella slowburn that was like 20 super long chapters and it ended without any smut and was better than almost any love story I've ever read

@Knight-Shives group

I don't read smut at all. It's just not my cup of tea tbh(waves ace pride flag).

i honestly don't like reading smut at all, and then I get annoyed because all the fanfics I find have lots of smut.
I am ace myself also soooo.

Deleted user

Ahem… I'm like, fine with smut most of the time, some of it is actually very well-written and can give some depth to characters, but I generally look for stories that have a little more meat on their bones than just sexsexsexitysex. But I will point out: all fanfic is gay. Like, it just exists for same-sex pairings. Not that I have a problem with that at all, obviously, I'm just saying that we have more queer representation in fanfic than in ACTUAL FRIGGIN NOVELS. Food for thought. The only problems I do have with fanfiction is when characters are out of character and author inserts. AO3 normally has some really good stuff in it's network, and for the Whovians out there, is a good place to find quality DW fanfiction (I will note that 10/Rose fics are just… ugh most of the time) if you're looking for it, but I tend to stay away from and Wattpad as you don't find as much good stuff there. Also, fanfiction isn't just good for readers, it's an incredible opportunity for writers, too. Fanfic is a way to engage readers in a work in a whole new way, and while plenty of authors, including George R.R. Martin and Diana Gabaldon, don't love fanfiction, it's hard to ignore the facts: their fans love their stories, love their characters, love their worlds, and just want more of it. I will warn y'all that most fanfiction is, however, really heckin' awful, so I'd like to warn people to tread carefully. Go on discussions and chat rooms and forums, blah blah, ask people what authors for what fandoms they would recommend, and when you find something good, archive it for later. Okay that's all I have for now, Sparky out.


Ahem… I'm like, fine with smut most of the time, some of it is actually very well-written and can give some depth to characters, but I generally look for stories that have a little more meat on their bones than just sexsexsexitysex. But I will point out: all fanfic is gay. Like, it just exists for same-sex pairings. Not that I have a problem with that at all, obviously, I'm just saying that we have more queer representation in fanfic than in ACTUAL FRIGGIN NOVELS. Food for thought. The only problems I do have with fanfiction is when characters are out of character and author inserts. AO3 normally has some really good stuff in it's network, and for the Whovians out there, is a good place to find quality DW fanfiction (I will note that 10/Rose fics are just… ugh most of the time) if you're looking for it, but I tend to stay away from and Wattpad as you don't find as much good stuff there. Also, fanfiction isn't just good for readers, it's an incredible opportunity for writers, too. Fanfic is a way to engage readers in a work in a whole new way, and while plenty of authors, including George R.R. Martin and Diana Gabaldon, don't love fanfiction, it's hard to ignore the facts: their fans love their stories, love their characters, love their worlds, and just want more of it. I will warn y'all that most fanfiction is, however, really heckin' awful, so I'd like to warn people to tread carefully. Go on discussions and chat rooms and forums, blah blah, ask people what authors for what fandoms they would recommend, and when you find something good, archive it for later. Okay that's all I have for now, Sparky out.

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i've read a few really good ones, and a lot of either meh, ew, or why?

i think one of my favorites was a phanfic AU. it was where dnp were in opposing gangs, and phil ends up drugging dan and taking him back to his gang because they're under the impression that dan's gang is to one who took one of their members. so then they try to drug dan again so that phil can transfer him to people who can torture him for information. but dan managed to fool them into thinking he was out, and later ended up crashing the car with him and phil in it, and, long story short, they have to make the journey on foot through different gang territories and a post-nuclear war landscape with abandoned towns, cities, monuments, etc.. and they end up becoming good friends and (it's an ongoing fic) eventually they'll fall in love.

but yeah, no smut, some cursing, slow burn, no grammar or spelling mistakes that i've caught, character development, a+ plot, basically everything i love in a fanfic.

i, too, hate that fanfic gets a bad rep for smut, because that's just generalizing and stereotyping. a lot of it is entirely original, just with the names of real people or previously existing characters. and then people like us get labeled as weirdos or creeps for enjoying them sometimes.


What is then name of the fix you mentioned?

if you're asking me, i don't remember the name off the top of my head, but i'll try to find it! i know it's on AO3 if you search the tags 'dan, phil, gangs' on maybe the third page of results? the description should give it away, and i think it was updated last in september 2018, last i checked. again, i'll try to find it!

@Knight-Shives group

What is then name of the fix you mentioned?

if you're asking me, i don't remember the name off the top of my head, but i'll try to find it! i know it's on AO3 if you search the tags 'dan, phil, gangs' on maybe the third page of results? the description should give it away, and i think it was updated last in september 2018, last i checked. again, i'll try to find it!

I think I may have found it (Took many different searches)
Along The Way-


What is then name of the fix you mentioned?

if you're asking me, i don't remember the name off the top of my head, but i'll try to find it! i know it's on AO3 if you search the tags 'dan, phil, gangs' on maybe the third page of results? the description should give it away, and i think it was updated last in september 2018, last i checked. again, i'll try to find it!

I think I may have found it (Took many different searches)
Along The Way-

that's it! (and sorry it took so long for you)