forum Fanfiction
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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Since grammar has been mentioned, I have another pet peeve regarding fanfictions. The characters being so God damn out of character. God, if you're writing a fanfiction, then please get the personality right!

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Like, I absolutely hate how a brooding, quiet character is suddenly all sunshine and rainbows. Don't. Just don't.

@Knight-Shives group

Also something emotionally harrowing happens

And then next thing you know they are fine

Also lots of the Fanfics I find are really smutty and it is getting annoying


I've only read one that I didn't like(the grammar was all over the place and the MC was COMPLETELY out of character but it had a good premise ;-;). For the most part, I read Fullmetal Alchemist and My Hero Academia fics.

Deleted user

Also something emotionally harrowing happens

And then next thing you know they are fine

Also lots of the Fanfics I find are really smutty and it is getting annoying


@Knight-Shives group

Also something emotionally harrowing happens

And then next thing you know they are fine

Also lots of the Fanfics I find are really smutty and it is getting annoying


It annoys me so much. Like nobody recovers that fast.


yeah honestly it kind of annoys me that people will have characters go through something traumatizing and either shorten the recovery process/ignore it altogether. and tasteful smut is okay in my opinion, though I literally won't even read a fic unless it's grammatically correct

@Knight-Shives group

A lot of the fanfics out there are focused on smut and well I just skim and skip over that portion of the story. I have read one where I got to skip 3 whole pages.


see, my problem is I'm worried plot might be laced in there, as it sometimes is, so if I skip over it I might miss something important development-wise. and most of it has no plot, but I still feel like there might be some little important scene hidden in it xD


see, when the plot is entirely centered around them sleeping with each other, it's just not even worth the time to read. like c'mon, make the plot centered around character development or relationships or something, not have it revolve around just the smut

Deleted user

And the curses. Oh my lord, no fanfiction is complete without at least fifty swear words in one chapter!


honestly I don't really mind the swearing, just…I mind when the writer adds in a ton of swearing for no reason. or if they more or less do stuff like "oh my goodness, golly, hecking gracious!" like then it's obviously written by a 12 year old if that's not dialogue. oh, and self insertion is so bad in fics that aren't supposed to be reader x characters (which I can't even read normally bc they're weirdly uncomfortable)