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@Pickles group

Charlie Manson's mom sold him for a pitcher of beer. I don't know a lot about her but she was a sixteen year old sex worker and–. That's it. I said I didn't know a lot


The Great Emu War of 1932. I know just about everything about it, so if you guys have questions, just ask lol because it's too much to go into right now.

@Mojack group

The Battle of Somme was often referred to as The Bloodbath by the Germans.

Even today (although not as much) people are still digging up artillery shells in Europe that never went off when they first fired. However, they still pose a danger. This is what is known as the Iron Harvest.

@Mojack group

The world population is expected to stop growing at around 2050. This doesn’t mean everyone will stop having children, it just means it’ll slow down a bit, level out, then begin to decline (however all of this is just what’s expected as of now, things could change.)

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I seriously doubt it is growing at the moment. I have done a little bit of study on the subject and many countries are below the repopulation line. America is only holding on because of immigration, and even so, not by much.

@Mojack group

I know, that’s why I said it’s expected to completely level out at 2050, then start to decline by then. My country itself is below the repopulation line and we rely a lot on immigrants too. The population is growing, but it’s growing at a slower pace.