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@ElderGod-kirky group

here's one i just took i guess, i kind of look blegh

so is NOBODY GOING TO ACKNOWLEDGE THIS? bc hecc you look beautiful!!

I've told them numerous times, and I shall say it again

Lookin hella fine, Crocs

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Oh. I lived in Utqiagvik Alaska. It's more commonly known as Barrow Alaska. We have continuous sunlight for 3 months, then 3 months of straight darkness (6 monthes of one giant daylight savings time period…). In the night time it can get to -80 below with wind chill to only God knows what (Fahrenheit) but I do have to say the Northern Lights are beautiful. The colder it is, the brighter they are. We have snow 365 days a year, and we hunt whales, you have to chemically filter the ground water because of the arsenic in it from gold mining and blasting, and when it's cold enough you have to go out and free the whales from the ice when it's not hunting season, it's bad…

@Starfast group

Its was -60⁰C ,where I live, once and school still wasnt cancelled.

That's absolutely wild. We get like a single centimetre of snow here and most schools will shut down. Everyone suddenly forgets how to drive. We're so under prepared for snow like every single year it's ridiculous.

@HighPockets group

Its was -60⁰C ,where I live, once and school still wasnt cancelled.

That's absolutely wild. We get like a single centimetre of snow here and most schools will shut down. Everyone suddenly forgets how to drive. We're so under prepared for snow like every single year it's ridiculous.

The rule where I live is that if it's below a certain temp (-25 degrees farenheit iirc) then school's cancelled because it's dangerous for kids who walk there or have to take the bus. We missed an entire week this winter due to crazy temps, it was wild!


(-25 F = how many ⁰C?)

The rule here is after -27⁰C, kids atent allowed to go outside without snow pants, sweater, jacket/parka, snow gloves, scarf, toque , socks, and high boots. After -35⁰C and belle, kids are t allowed outside, parents have to come pick up their kids from inside the school

@Mojack group

Its was -60⁰C ,where I live, once and school still wasnt cancelled.

(-76⁰F for Americans)

It was close to -60 once where I live and I don’t even live that far north either. But I also live near the Great Lakes and it’s a bit colder by the water too. Though we were on break so school wasn’t cancelled since there was none

There was ice on the inside of my window though within my room, garbage trucks couldn’t come that day, same with deliveries (I had a package come in but my dad actually had to go and pick it up because it was cold enough that they didn’t want the deliveries done that specific day.

Deleted user

Is thankful for once that I live in california

You have not experienced actual living hell, mere mortal…

talk to me when you've survived -40 degree weather (PLUS WIND CHILL) and still went to school.

Alaska by chance???

Detroit, Michigan. lol

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Is thankful for once that I live in california

You have not experienced actual living hell, mere mortal…

talk to me when you've survived -40 degree weather (PLUS WIND CHILL) and still went to school.

Alaska by chance???

Detroit, Michigan. lol

Lol, was wondering because I lived in Alaska. Those temperatures are frequent.