forum ✨dRaMaTiC✨ Insults, Power of the Chancla, Eldritch Beings, Old Rivalries, Chicken Chaos, Large Fonts, and Cheesecake: The Saga of the Chicken Part 3: Tokyo Drift (CLOSED)
Started by @Morals-are-for-mortals language

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When you get a lesson on eating disorders when you haven’t eaten yet this morning

For me it's when u get a lesson on eating disorders and all u had this morning was 5 grapes and a handful of cherrios (it's 1 pm)

Bro that was literally me when we had that lesson in health (its 12:09 and i still haven't eaten and probably won't)

Mhm. I had my lunch at 10 am. (The grapes and charrios) it is now 2 pm. I get to leave soon!!

I still have 2 class periods and i still have to finish this class, as you can tell im not focusing on my assignment cause today i cant focus

@Dancing_With_My_Demons business

Yall, I just slept through the entirety of math. All for one time when my teacher woke me up to give me fruit snack.


But hey, at least you got fruit snacks

I slept through choir in the period before that too. Today has been relatively good


Yall, I just slept through the entirety of math. All for one time when my teacher woke me up to give me fruit snack.


But hey, at least you got fruit snacks

I slept through choir in the period before that too. Today has been relatively good

…are you gonna be okay for rehearsal?

@Dancing_With_My_Demons business

Yall, I just slept through the entirety of math. All for one time when my teacher woke me up to give me fruit snack.


But hey, at least you got fruit snacks

I slept through choir in the period before that too. Today has been relatively good

…are you gonna be okay for rehearsal?

shrug maybe?


Yall, I just slept through the entirety of math. All for one time when my teacher woke me up to give me fruit snack.


But hey, at least you got fruit snacks

I slept through choir in the period before that too. Today has been relatively good

…are you gonna be okay for rehearsal?

shrug maybe?

Don't die

@Eli-the-transboi group

Like- I was tryna talk to my ‘mom’ about how I shake a lot when I’m anxious and course she claimed she’s never heard of me doing so. Then went on to say “How are you gonna make it in life?” Like she does with everything ‘wrong’ with me.

@Eli-the-transboi group

So I get these bags of unwrapped mini KitKats a lot bc they’re yummy
But every single time there’s always one or two without the wafer
And it makes me so sad

Wait- so- KitKats with no wafer? So just chocolate??

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

So I get these bags of unwrapped mini KitKats a lot bc they’re yummy
But every single time there’s always one or two without the wafer
And it makes me so sad

Yo I would be DELIGHTED. Give me your not-kit-kats