forum ✨dRaMaTiC✨ Insults, Power of the Chancla, Eldritch Beings, Old Rivalries, Chicken Chaos, Large Fonts, and Cheesecake: The Saga of the Chicken Part 3: Tokyo Drift (CLOSED)
Started by @Morals-are-for-mortals language

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Do I hear a Not-Working-Brains club?



….Is the club open for new members

Looks over at Yellowqueen, What say you? I’m casual, lol

hmmm, I think it should be

@im-with-stoopid pets

Oh boy, just found a new song to binge until it gets stuck in my head and echoes in my dreams and haunts my every waking moment!

Oh? Do tell.

my music taste can be described as "5th grade party-cut pizza party and other cool stuff I heard in passing" and it is very embarrassing

Heads up, gore warning if you look it up - apparently the artist broke their nose for the cover art? doubt it, but it's very convincing

@im-with-stoopid pets

So uh, my car just got a little rear end love tap from another car while stopped at a train crossing. No damage but sure did shock the hell out of me

Car kiss ❤️
Good thing there wasn't any damage! I think my soul would've left my body for a solid 5 minutes- hope you're doing alright

@the-void-phantasmic language

Oh boy, just found a new song to binge until it gets stuck in my head and echoes in my dreams and haunts my every waking moment!

Oh? Do tell.

my music taste can be described as "5th grade party-cut pizza party and other cool stuff I heard in passing" and it is very embarrassing

Heads up, gore warning if you look it up - apparently the artist broke their nose for the cover art? doubt it, but it's very convincing

Wait I think I know that one. If it’s what I’m thinking of that story about the cover art is actually true. Deadass thought “this isn’t metal enough” and smashed his nose


So uh, my car just got a little rear end love tap from another car while stopped at a train crossing. No damage but sure did shock the hell out of me

Car kiss ❤️
Good thing there wasn't any damage! I think my soul would've left my body for a solid 5 minutes- hope you're doing alright

I called my mom right after like FREAKING out. I was like uhhhh do I need to do anything???

@im-with-stoopid pets

Oh boy, just found a new song to binge until it gets stuck in my head and echoes in my dreams and haunts my every waking moment!

Oh? Do tell.

my music taste can be described as "5th grade party-cut pizza party and other cool stuff I heard in passing" and it is very embarrassing

Heads up, gore warning if you look it up - apparently the artist broke their nose for the cover art? doubt it, but it's very convincing

Wait I think I know that one. If it’s what I’m thinking of that story about the cover art is actually true. Deadass thought “this isn’t metal enough” and smashed his nose

It's a song about murdering for fun though, hell did I expect- Tbf, I read it in YT comments and YT comments is a lawless wasteland

Deleted user

proof that i have the best friends ever: today i went nonverbal bc ocd triggered it, and at lunch someone asked my friend for a gusher. she said no. then proceeded to ask me if i wanted a gusher. i nodded, bc i wasnt speaking at the time. the person who had asked for her gushers looked so mad. i said thank you in sign launguage, bc i still wasnt speaking. one of the people was like, oooo you speak sign launguage? and i was like kinda, just a little you know, in sign launguage of course. and shes like. so you dont talk? and i was really frusterated at this point bc, honestly, its not that big of a deal so why are you making it one. anyways my friends stood up for me my twin said, shes just nonverbal, its not that big of a deal. and i was like yes. and the people kept making it a big deal, and one of them actually jabbed his finger at my friends face, in her mouth. like wtf? anyways we moved and eventually i started talking again and i just have the best friends (and twin) ever

@Null-Gravity language

So uh, my car just got a little rear end love tap from another car while stopped at a train crossing. No damage but sure did shock the hell out of me

Car kiss ❤️