forum Drama Kids, Unite!
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 11 followers

Deleted user

Huh, me and my drama class were doing an improv scene and everytime someone bowed at my friends feet (They were a king) they would untie my friends shoelaces


I adore all musicals, love singing, dancing, and acting, but have enlirmous stage fright and want to do more musical theatre but am too scared to
Do I count?


Let me guess…

  1. Hamilton
  2. Annie
  1. Hamilton
  2. Annie
  3. Les Mis
  4. Dear Evan Hansen
  5. Heathers
  6. Getting into Glee rn
  7. Sound of Music
  8. HamiltonHamiltonHamiltonHamilton

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Never been in theater but I wish. I have been in two plays that I helped to write. (It was just a co-op thing.)
Dear Evan Hansen is my life. Other favorites include:
Into the Woods
Beauty and the Beast
Prince of Egypt (I know that doesn't count but whatever.)
Tuck Everlasting
West Side Story
LES MIZ!!!!!!!!!!