Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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Red looks around for the source of the noise but stil doesn't bother to get up from the floor
If that's you, death, you took forever getting here.


Rory stops singing and climbed out from under the table.
"Why am I here?" she asked no one in particular.


Rory puts on her thinking cap. Rory taps her chin as she thinks with the ridiculous squid hat on her head. "I just remember this weird dude looking down on me shining a bright light, then I was in Chipotle eating the most disgusting food I've ever tasted," she said.

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Connie had grabbed a book and was ignoring everyone.


Rory grins wickedly. "Considering they don't do very well," she said, "Yes. I hate blowfish."

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Connie swatted the bird away from her precious book.