forum Does Drawing Make You Gay
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Okay, don't take this too seriously, but sometimes I draw. And when I draw, I usually draw really pretty women with exaggerated features. I question my sexuality on a daily basis. Drawing makes you gay. Type 'F' in the chat if you agree.

Deleted user

Well I don't think it would make you gay Hun. I feel if you draw like super deep into them and draw details that other straight girls wouldn't want to draw then yes it would mean your gay. BUT it might also mean you just draw deeply into your pictures

Deleted user

well uhhh drawing itself isn't gay but admiring women a whole lot…

Deleted user

IDK I was just trying to make all decisions so people don't yell at me.


It doesn't necessarily "make" you gay if that happens when you draw. But it could be making you curious about things or make you realize something you haven't noticed before or make you question yourself.

So… I guess semi-F?

Deleted user

HMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm No -f because it dosen't you CAN make it gay but drawing itself isn't gay


This intrigued me so I'd just like to say this. If you think about it this way, I mean if you drew a woman with small features that wouldn't make you less gay? I guess what i'm trying to say is you can draw whatever you want without it changing anything about you. This probably doesn't help.

Deleted user

This intrigued me so I'd just like to say this. If you think about it this way, I mean if you drew a woman with small features that wouldn't make you less gay? I guess what i'm trying to say is you can draw whatever you want without it changing anything about you. This probably doesn't help.

Eh kinda confusled me LMAO

Deleted user

Okay kids, stop arguing.

Lmao Duskie but I'm older than you though…
