forum Does anyone know about insomnia?
Started by @GG

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I am trying to add more to my book about sleeplessness and I thought about insomnia. Anyone have any interesting finds on it or facts or tips about writing about it?


Interesting find - Fatal Familial Insomnia. Genetically linked, this type of insomnia results in death within 7 to 36 months of onset and surfaces from ages 18 to 60. It progresses from sleeplessness and twitching over panic attacks and hallucinations to dementia and eventual death.
What sort of book is this? What made you go into sleeplessness?


Well I have trouble sleeping at night and sometimes I like to go out on my patio and sit there. I am going to write about it but with a fictional character. She has trouble sleeping so she walks around watching the city sleep haha. But one night something happens and she is the only witness. I still gotta figure out the rest. It's gonna be called Nocturnal.

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Well, I think, at first you should make her toss and turn in her bed, trying to fall asleep but not being able to. Make her sleepy, tired and exhausted, but her body not shutting down. Then make her get up and decide to take a walk to clear her head.
Also, for the incident she witnesses, it just depends on what the incident is.


Well I have trouble sleeping at night and sometimes I like to go out on my patio and sit there. I am going to write about it but with a fictional character. She has trouble sleeping so she walks around watching the city sleep haha. But one night something happens and she is the only witness. I still gotta figure out the rest. It's gonna be called Nocturnal.

That is a really great idea!


Sometimes, with my insomnia, it's just because of my racing mind and not being able for it to stop. Other times, it is from anxiety, depression, PTSD, or other mentel illness. Lastly, there is just the times that my mind is empty and nothing can let me sleep. It is so bad that I will end up laying there, thinking about nothing, and get up to 3 hours of sleep that night.


For me, my insomnia has to do a lot with my head running 20 miles an hour ALL THE TIME- I try to sleep, but instead my brain is like "nah, fam you have to think about all the times in third grade this one person did this one thing" and then suddenly it's five in the morning and I haven't gotten any sleep. Other times I just can't relax enough.

When I do end up falling asleep I have nightmares (and night terrors), so that tends to make it hard for me to actually WANT to sleep.


Also, my PTSD will act up and I will have night terrors from my PTSD. This is one of the main reasons because after one of these night terrors occur, (Which is very often.) I can't sleep the rest of night.


Also, my PTSD will act up and I will have night terrors from my PTSD. This is one of the main reasons because after one of these night terrors occur, (Which is very often.) I can't sleep the rest of night.

Damn, that sucks dude. My night terrors are usually about death and the spirits that live in my house.


i haven't actually been diagnosed, but i have to take pills to help me fall asleep or i just,,, won't.
so i don't know if this helps at all, but for me, when i realize i haven't slept a whole night, my plan is to stay awake the whole day so i can go to sleep the next night like a normal person.
but then i feel too wide awake by the time it's night and stay awake for another entire night.
and this usually repeats for who knows how many days and nights (time loses meaning when i'm that tired) until i finally K.O from not getting enough sleep and i go from there. (and try to remember to actually take my pills)

most of the time, i end up accidentally turning nocturnal when this happens, bc i feel WAY more tired during the day than in the night for whatever reason???

but yea i hope this helped in some way
awkwardly finger guns away

@The-Magician group

For me, for a long time when I was a bit younger, being awake late in the night was great. I was the only one awake which meant I could read without being interrupted, or I could play with my teddies etc.
As I started getting older, I didn't realise I was awake late until I started seeing the sunrise through my window.
I do not take medication for my insomnia

Things I have experienced due to this shitty disorder:

  • Falling asleep during the day when I'm at college, or just around my house.
  • Not being able to concentrate on my college work.
  • Getting really really stressed when I'm at work, to the point where I break down every now and again.
  • Being really paranoid when I'm in the streets.
  • Occasional twitching/ticks.
  • Hallucinations, both visual and audio.
  • Trouble getting to sleep, staying asleep, and waking up when I do sleep.
  • I'm forgetting things quicker, like things that I should know like the back of my hand (like how old my mum is, when my best friend's birthday is, what day it is).

I'm telling you this because you might be able to incorporate some of the things I am experiencing into your character/work? I dunno..