forum Does anyone have this weird thing..
Started by @Mojack group

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@Mojack group

..where they’re able to ‘taste’ something by putting it into their mind? Eg things they’ve had before.

Like, not taste taste, but distantly taste it. It’s kinda hard to explain, but I’m able to do it with gingerale really well, just by thinking of it.

That, or I’m just weird.

Deleted user

YES. YES!!!! i’ve Always wondered if other people could too! Also occasionally with smells but not as much
and i Can do it really well with Coca Cola, weird right?

Deleted user

Dude yes. I constantly taste something when I’m craving it or thinking about it. Or when I’m about to have it… mmmm

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I have this thing where I can sense things in my mind without having to translate them to a specific sense. It’s closely related to something I call brainstream a sort of language that doesn’t use words but instead uses a piece of all the senses at once.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I have this thing where I can sense things in my mind without having to translate them to a specific sense. It’s closely related to something I call brainstream, a sort of language that doesn’t use words but instead uses a piece of all the senses at once.


I have this thing where I can sense things in my mind without having to translate them to a specific sense. It’s closely related to something I call brainstream, a sort of language that doesn’t use words but instead uses a piece of all the senses at once.

That's called intuition bud. I have it too!


The reason you guys can distantly taste things like that… Taste and hearing are the senses that are easiest to place memories in. If you're trying to remember a specific thing remembering a song or meal you had at that time first czn drastically help!