forum Does anyone have synesthesia?
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people_alt 47 followers

Deleted user

Yep Ive got synesthesia and tbh it kinda helps me out a bit bc i know what I want the overtone of my art to be

Deleted user

Yea. I was talking about the colors of the days of the week and people thought I was crazy

lol I was in the car with my mom talking to her about it before i knew that synesthesia was a real thing and she looked horrified

Deleted user

Monday- red
Tuesday- sky blue
Wednesday- orange
Thursday- dark blue
Friday- yellow
Saturday- light blue
Sunday- green


Monday- red
Tuesday- yellow
Wednesday- light purple / green (vacation / school days)
Thursday- rusty
Friday- deep violet
Saturday- green
Sunday- golden


is it just more or does the color of a letter sometimes, like, change a little? not drastically, but my A is a pastel pink and sometimes it feels more like a salmon. like what it was before but with a little more orange. it never changes that much but it does happen to me sometimes. like once C was a shade darker than normal.


Some things have two colors. Like Wednesday is purple and green but its never orange. It switches between two colors but is never any others.