forum Does anyone have synesthesia?
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Does anyone have that form of synesthesia where you see the year as a shape or something? My mom sees it as a circle with the months divided on the outside, then weeks, days, so on. I see it as a really long rectangle where each month is like a calendar page.


I see it as a really long rectangle where each month is like a calendar page.

Hold it. I do that too. Only problem is, my big rectangle is backwards. So January's in the far right and December's in the left, but I forget to think of the years going the same way. The years go left to right but the months go right to left and I'm freaking confused. Also this conversation is the best thing ever. Watching people argue about what colour 5 is is weirdly fulfilling.


My months are in a counter clockwise circle. I can see New Years but it’s slightly off center to the right. My birthday (January 6) is at the top of my circle. Each month does not have an equal size. For example; May is like half the size of December. January is a light blue, February a light pink, March a deep green, April is yellow, May is a yellowy pinky color, June is a light purple and July is a dark purple (they’re twins), August is a golden yellow, September is a reddish orange, October is orange, November is red,December is a dark blue. If I were to explain how I see my days if the week, that’s a completely different story. And we all know 5 is blue.


All my months are in this one big line. Like January is on the far left, and December is on the far right. All the days are lined up too. If the year was a rectangle, the dimensions would be 1 x 365.
The weeks are different, though. They go up and down in kind of a swoopy pattern. Sunday is up on top, Monday slightly lower, Tuesday slightly lower than Monday, and Wednesday is at the bottom. Then it goes back up with Thursday slightly higher than Wednesday, and so on.
January is light blue and white, February is pink and gray, March is light blue and green, April is dark green and white, May is yellow, June is light blue, July is light blue and yellow (kind of a mix of May and June), August is red, September is orange and red, October is orange, green, black, and brown, November is grayish blue, and December is dark blue.


January: light blue
February: red
March: dark green
April: light blue, pastel pink, and pastel yellow
May: yellow
June: light orange
July: dark purple
August: undecided
September: grey
October: dark orange
November: light brown
December: black


January: Cyan and white
February: Pink and brown
March: Green and violet
April: Magenta
May: Bright green
June: Light yellow and deep blue
July: Scarlet
August: Mustard yellow and aquamarine (kinda a weird color combination but it works)
September: Medium orange
October: Maroon and black
November: Kind of a gradient of grey. Depending on the day it can be anywhere between charcoal grey and light misty grey.
December: Cerulean, teal, and crimson


I'm so late to this party…
alrighty, so I've got four types of synesthesia!
1- Mirror touch
With mirror touch, I can physically emphasize with people. If I can visually see what you feel, then I can feel it too. For example, if I see you have a scraped knee, ill feel a somewhat painful tingling sensation on my knee. If you pick up a snowball, my hands will feel slightly cold.
2- Grapheme-Color
So grapheme-color is the most common type of synesthesia. It is where the synesthete can see letters (and sometimes numbers) in color. For example, the word Capsize (which I find slightly aesthetic lol) is several shades of blue, with hints of mint green and a slight swirl of yellow. I can get caught up in explaining some words lol.
3- chromesthesia
chromesthesia is more commonly referred to as Sound-Color synesthesia. It's exactly what it sounds like- its when noises trigger a color. For example, the sound of glass shattering is light blue.
4- weekday-color
weekday-color is a simple type. I associate every day of the week as a color. Mondays are purple, Tuesday's yellow, Wednesday's reddish-orange, Thursday's teal, Friday's dark green, Saturday's white, and Sunday's black.

That's all I've got! I used to have two other types- emotion-color and grapheme-odor. That meant I could see emotions as colors and words evoked a particular scent. During some point in a synesthetes life (most commonly puberty or menopause) they can lose parts of their synesthesia. I lost two types but kept my others. Synesthesia is pretty great, but it can get a little lonely thinking there's so few of us. It's fantastic seeing some of you guys have it too!

…thank you for coming to my extremely long TED talk


I had a conversation with someone at lunch today who, I just found out, also had synesthesia. Everyone was so confused at what we were saying. Thankfully we have different types so we didn’t argue about what was what color lol.