forum Did you know @LostBoy2?
Started by Deleted user

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I think that if any of us get published we should mention him in the acknowledgements section

I will… I so will… He is a big part of why I'm helping people nowadays, and he was an amazing person…

Deleted user

I am so late to this… Kat alreasy told me on British Friend, but I feel like I should say sonething here.
I feel like I was one of his closer friends on here, but definately not as close as Kat and Typhoon. He was a great guy who, despite having to deal with all his treatments, always made aure he was here for us, making us laugh in the worst of situations.
Even when he told us he had cancer, he still had a sense of humor that lightened the mood. In fact, he sent a Glee gif with the message (It was Blaine saying surprise).
Basically, Chuck was an amazing dude, and he did nit deserve to die so young. Now I'm going to stop tuping before I start balling my eyes out…

Deleted user

Chuck was part of why I started helping people…

Really? How so?

Deleted user

Chuck was one of my best friends, I once said I couldn't imagine my life without him and he told me that life without him would still be life and he was right but it was life with a little less light. Life with a little less joy and a deeper understanding off loss. I miss him so much.

Deleted user

I am so late to this… Kat alreasy told me on British Friend, but I feel like I should say sonething here.
I feel like I was one of his closer friends on here, but definately not as close as Kat and Typhoon. He was a great guy who, despite having to deal with all his treatments, always made aure he was here for us, making us laugh in the worst of situations.
Even when he told us he had cancer, he still had a sense of humor that lightened the mood. In fact, he sent a Glee gif with the message (It was Blaine saying surprise).
Basically, Chuck was an amazing dude, and he did nit deserve to die so young. Now I'm going to stop tuping before I start balling my eyes out…

I cried when I sent this. Here I go again…


Chuck was part of why I started helping people…

Really? How so?

Well… I saw how upset everyone was at his passing, and people had to go on hiatus because it was so bad… And that, along with a few other big factors (and mzny small ones) just got me to help people… I posted my first inspiration thread after he passed… I could just feel the waves of pain resonating through this site and it got me to do something…


Chuck was one of my best friends, I once said I couldn't imagine my life without him and he told me that life without him would still be life and he was right but it was life with a little less light. Life with a little less joy and a deeper understanding off loss. I miss him so much.

Me too…

Deleted user

Chuck was part of why I started helping people…

Really? How so?

Well… I saw how upset everyone was at his passing, and people had to go on hiatus because it was so bad… And that, along with a few other big factors (and mzny small ones) just got me to help people… I posted my first inspiration thread after he passed… I could just feel the waves of pain resonating through this site and it got me to do something…

That's amazing, I'm so happy that he still can inspire people through you. You're amazing and you're keeping him alive in this site.


Chuck was part of why I started helping people…

Really? How so?

Well… I saw how upset everyone was at his passing, and people had to go on hiatus because it was so bad… And that, along with a few other big factors (and mzny small ones) just got me to help people… I posted my first inspiration thread after he passed… I could just feel the waves of pain resonating through this site and it got me to do something…

That's amazing, I'm so happy that he still can inspire people through you. You're amazing and you're keeping him alive in this site.

That's all I ever wanted… That, and to make a difference for the better… I miss him so much…


Even when he told us he had cancer, he still had a sense of humor that lightened the mood. In fact, he sent a Glee gif with the message (It was Blaine saying surprise).
Basically, Chuck was an amazing dude, and he did nit deserve to die so young. Now I'm going to stop tuping before I start balling my eyes out…

Aaaaaahhhhh noooo memories


I feel bad because I didn't even know him all that well
and now he's gone
and I'll never get a chance to know him