forum Did you know @LostBoy2?
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

If you did come here, I want to let all of you know at the same time.

Deleted user

As some of you might have known, he had cancer and I was informed this morning that he didn't make it. That's the only way I know how to say it. I'm sorry for your loss.

Deleted user

oh my gosh…… i wasnt close with him but im going to boost this up for his friends… im so sorry…


I didn’t now him, but I can’t express how sorry I am for your loss. I’m sure he was an amazing person, I’m so so sorry

@Becfromthedead group

I did not know him, but my condolences go out to his friends and family. From the way you all talked about him, he seemed like a great guy that people are certainly going to miss.

Deleted user

I didn't know Chuck very well, but my sincerest condolences to him and the people he cared about, as well as those who cares for him. He will be missed terribly, thoughts and prayers. I recently lost a family member as well, so I know how this feels for everyone to lose someone they cared about.

@Mojack group

I didn't know him very well, but I've had so many family members be a victim of cancer. It tends to run in my family. My condolences to his family and friends, thoughts towards him.
Cancer is a terrible thing to have. One thing I want to see in the future is a cure, available to everyone.

Deleted user

He is a lost boy and
Until we die
Clearly shall we will remember
Knowing him and loving him


Good Christ I'm so late to this I won't be able to look at my own reflection for the rest of the day…

I didn't know him well, but yeah… When I heard about the goings on, I'd pop in the chat and just check up on you guys, when i heard he passed I qas devastated… Sorry about making this about me… He seemed like a great dude, and I'm still shook by the fact that such a lion-hearted member of our community is gone…

Sorry if I opened a few wounds with this post, but I had to say it.

Deleted user

Thank you so much for remembering him, he just wanted people to be happy so that’s what I’m trying to be for him.


Honestly, I barely know Chuck. But from what I heard, he was an amazing person. I had no idea that he was sick. I am terribly sorry for your loss. If you want to talk, any of you, I'm here. If there's anything that anyone needs, I would be happy to provide. hugs

Remember, you are not alone in this fight.

All the best,

Annika (aka Born Confuzzled)


Ditto that… I love each and every one of you guys, and if you need help well then, you know where to get it I'll be right here! Seriously though, if you need to talk, don't hold back on me I'll be here and I'll try my best to help each and every one of you, wish you the best, thanks for your time.


I am so late to this… Kat alreasy told me on British Friend, but I feel like I should say sonething here.
I feel like I was one of his closer friends on here, but definately not as close as Kat and Typhoon. He was a great guy who, despite having to deal with all his treatments, always made aure he was here for us, making us laugh in the worst of situations.
Even when he told us he had cancer, he still had a sense of humor that lightened the mood. In fact, he sent a Glee gif with the message (It was Blaine saying surprise).
Basically, Chuck was an amazing dude, and he did nit deserve to die so young. Now I'm going to stop tuping before I start balling my eyes out…