forum Depression
Started by @Crisis

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Life is pain and pain is life. Am I the only who hates it when like, I'll say I'm anxious or something, and someone else (typically my parents/siblings) say "No you're not" or "That's a lie"? Like, excuse me? I think I know better than you. Oh I guess I'm suddenly not anxious anymore just because you said so. This is why I don't trust them/want to tell them anything bc they'll just contradict my legitimate concerns with "That's a lie"


Life is pain and pain is life. Am I the only who hates it when like, I'll say I'm anxious or something, and someone else (typically my parents/siblings) say "No you're not" or "That's a lie"? Like, excuse me? I think I know better than you. Oh I guess I'm suddenly not anxious anymore just because you said so. This is why I don't trust them/want to tell them anything bc they'll just contradict my legitimate concerns with "That's a lie"

That's stupid
They should go dsjlhgfksghldksjhflj!

@Becfromthedead group

@DuskToDawnz I literally just learned about what causes schizophrenia in psychology yesterday, and it’s caused a chemical imbalance- an excess of dopamine neurotransmitters specifically. So yes, it can (and should probably) be corrected with drugs if at all possible.
Sorry I just kind of dropped in… just saw this and wanted to share a little knowledge. But also I might have anxiety and/or depression, so yayyy fun. And I started therapy but I’m not going back because I got bad vibes.

Deleted user

so i wrote a poem of of thy mental illnesses

white flowers, dark sun
people running people run
white flowers, dark sun
everbodies lives are done
white flowers, dark sun
voices talking, voices talk
through our lives the voices stalk


Speeking of anxiety. I had an anxiety attack at church once and my dad was just like, "oh this has never happened before" and I was dying in the bathroom like taje me home. But he wouldn't so I made myself throw up.
Sorry I'm really random.

Deleted user

nah, i understand. we go to this church that instead of actuly talking they play really loud church music
for me loud things= panic attacks


I selfharmed for like a month before my mom found out and took away my blade :/ she just said ‘ dont ever do this again’ and sent me off to therapy like 2 weeks later
She acts like bc i’ve Been to therapy for a while now I’m just over but honestly the only reason i haven’t cut again is bc I’m afraid of her
So now i just snap rubber bands on my wrist n cry idk


Don't do that
You don't need to hurt yourself. Talk to us instead
I personally find conversation much more intriguing than scratching myself with a pencil and rubbing hand sanitizer in it