forum Depression
Started by @Crisis

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Pronounced 'I'm so fricking tired but I don't want to move from the chair to take my sleeping meds' or in some places the locals pronounce it 'HAHAHA I'M FINE no I'm not please notice I'm not fine but I can't say it outright cause I don't want to bother anyone' and others pronounce it 'Nothing in life is worth it I'm useless so I'm either going to sleep my life away or not sleep at all'


slides in Hello I too have the lovely thing known as depression. Mine takes the form of… all three of those :D and I wanna die sometimes but then other times I'm like NO IF I DIE I CAN'T FINISH THIS MASSIVE ART PROJECT AND PROVE TO MY ART TEACHER THAT I'M GOOD ENOUGH AND THAT I PUT WAY TOO MUCH EFFORT INTO WEEKLY DRAWINGS


Oof, I'd ask if you where alright but it seems you'd say your fine(even if you're not). So instead I'm going to say something else.

Greetings. I hope you're having the best freaking life you can. And I wish good nights of sleep and great days of school and or work to you. I hope you know you've got people out there, (even thoughs of us who don't know you) that think you're freaking awesome. So don't sleep your life away. There's plenty of time to do that one you're older.


Haha I've been taking melatonin for weeks just to sleep even though I'm already exhausted. I just can't sleep no matter how much I want to. So I just play smash bros on my 3ds instead


slides in Hello I too have the lovely thing known as depression. Mine takes the form of… all three of those :D and I wanna die sometimes but then other times I'm like NO IF I DIE I CAN'T FINISH THIS MASSIVE ART PROJECT AND PROVE TO MY ART TEACHER THAT I'M GOOD ENOUGH AND THAT I PUT WAY TOO MUCH EFFORT INTO WEEKLY DRAWINGS



Oof, I'd ask if you where alright but it seems you'd say your fine(even if you're not). So instead I'm going to say something else.

Greetings. I hope you're having the best freaking life you can. And I wish good nights of sleep and great days of school and or work to you. I hope you know you've got people out there, (even thoughs of us who don't know you) that think you're freaking awesome. So don't sleep your life away. There's plenty of time to do that one you're older.

Thanks, that means alot


Haha I've been taking melatonin for weeks just to sleep even though I'm already exhausted. I just can't sleep no matter how much I want to. So I just play smash bros on my 3ds instead

Lol mood
I take melatonin and another medication for sleep but even if I don't go to sleep I pass out bc of them eventually then sleep for like nine hours
which is a feat


my parents wont let me take meds for any of my mental illneses!

Fuck them
I'm sorry if this offends you, but that's awful


are there even meds for Schizophrenia?

Yes there are
Be happy that shock therapy for schizophrenia has been banned tho

Deleted user

nah its fine, my parents think im calling out for atention or some shit everytime i try to tell them that i do IN FACT HEAR VOICES INI MY HEAD!

Deleted user

are there even meds for Schizophrenia?

Yes there are
Be happy that shock therapy for schizophrenia has been banned tho

hurray time to convince my parents that i need them


nah its fine, my parents think im calling out for atention or some shit everytime i try to tell them that i do IN FACT HEAR VOICES INI MY HEAD!

I'm gonna murder them please point me in their direction


Yeah my sister had depression and I have depression and anxiety and my parents were so preoccupied with her (and I'm so hecking awkward/don't want to tell them bc I don't trust them at all) that they didn't see any of the symptoms until it was far too late. So yeah now I'm spiraling downwards forever and even though I got therapy for a while my parents stopped taking me bc it's expensive, we're busy, and they thought I was getting better. I am not.
You know, life is just a very inefficient way to get to death.
(I only hurt myself once tho and I only dug my fingernail into my arm)


Idk whether I have minor scizophrenia or something but I hear voices and stuff. Like, so loud that it startles me. I'll hear my mother calling me or something, I'll go in her room, and she hasn't. Is that bad? Idk maybe I'm just overreacting.


I've never had a full panic attack but I almost had one while horseback riding. That was fun. Maybe I did have one, actually… I dunno, it only lasted like, 5-10 minutes so idk


Yeah my sister had depression and I have depression and anxiety and my parents were so preoccupied with her (and I'm so hecking awkward/don't want to tell them bc I don't trust them at all) that they didn't see any of the symptoms until it was far too late. So yeah now I'm spiraling downwards forever and even though I got therapy for a while my parents stopped taking me bc it's expensive, we're busy, and they thought I was getting better. I am not.
You know, life is just a very inefficient way to get to death.
(I only hurt myself once tho and I only dug my fingernail into my arm)

I'm very proud of you
But yeah, that's a mood
I have Bipolar disorder, GAD, Disruptive mood disorder and a couple other things that haven't been diagnosed yet, and I am not in a very safe state but I can't tell anyone bc I don't trust my parents, I can't tell my brothers, one of my friends would just ignore me, the other would be very awkward, one would just say 'I relate' then go about with his business


I've never had a full panic attack but I almost had one while horseback riding. That was fun. Maybe I did have one, actually… I dunno, it only lasted like, 5-10 minutes so idk

Panic attacks are different than anxiety attacks, but can span from ten seconds to a full hour, and there's probably been longer


Idk whether I have minor scizophrenia or something but I hear voices and stuff. Like, so loud that it startles me. I'll hear my mother calling me or something, I'll go in her room, and she hasn't. Is that bad? Idk maybe I'm just overreacting.

Same tho