forum Debate About Plastic Bags!
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

So, I love to debate! I'm going to post a topic in a bit and do some research! Then… Debate time!

Deleted user

So I have a more realistic/ serious topic:
"Should plastic bags be banned?"

And a few more laughter-inducing ones:
Which of these two are more real – pirates or ninjas?
Do vampires get AIDS from sucking blood that is affected?
Is there life after death?
Are we aliens of some sort?


DEBATE TOPIC: "Should plastic bags be banned?"

Not yet, but I think stores should begin making them unavailable and only offer reuseable bags and charge you if you don’t bring your own


I think that we should use them less and charge for them to encourage using recyclable or reusable bags. I know that people use plastic bags for a lot of things almost every day, but banning them altogether won't really solve it all.