forum Dark Jokes
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Where did Sally go when she got lost in the minefield? Everywhere

Deleted user

My grandfather has the heart of a lion… And a lifetime ban from the zoo.

Deleted user

What's the game orphans can't play? Baseball, they can't ever get to home.

Deleted user

What's black and white and red all over? A nun who fell down a hundred flights of stairs.
What's black and white and laughing? The nun who pushed her.


These are so terrible but…
Why was the baby crawling in circles? Because it's hand was stapled to the floor.

What's more fun than stapling a baby to a wall? Ripping it off again.

I had a friend who told me these……

Deleted user

I have good news and bad news. My ex got hit by a bus! Bad news, lost my job as a bus driver.


"Why did the dead baby cross the road? Because it was stapled to the chicken, you dopey fuck!"

My favorite one, as quoted from The Waste Lands by Stephen King. That scene kicked ass.