Started by @yeetus

people_alt 15 followers

Deleted user

So I need a summary of what just happened.
Did Delta accuse the FC of something and then Emi and Chipmunk and someone else ganged up on her about it?

yeah basically… but we tried to be civil and delta kept digging a bigger hole for herself

Deleted user

She is the fork satan, after all.
And hi Angie!
You might wanna catch up on Havenwood now while you've got the chance.

Deleted user

Like I have barely anything against Delta but…
I would try to prove my point and just end it with a

Deleted user

I mean
the potato and fork cult are kinda rivals now I guess??
So people might misjudge you for it??


Well, I don't think we should really call them rivals… I just wondered if my name would be offensive to anyone.

Deleted user

Also Connie you are le frickin best person rn we'd probably all be in the depths of war rn if it wasn't for you

Deleted user

Also Connie you are le frickin best person rn we'd probably all be in the depths of war rn if it wasn't for you

thanks… ill leave the potato cult to rest now… ^.^


Also Connie you are le frickin best person rn we'd probably all be in the depths of war rn if it wasn't for you

She's right.

Deleted user

Anyways, so…yeah. Couple orders of business, I guess, I'm really bad at formalities
-I can be in both cults at once like Angie here
-The FC isn't rebooting without Emi's permission. She's the fork satan and while I agree we should be a tad more inclusive that doesn't mean we can act like heathens when she's not here.
-That's it for now.
-Angie, I'm gonna PM you soon for Operation Oreo.


I didn't mean to come off as rude or to gang up on Delta, and I'm sorry if that did happen. And yeah, Connie, thanks. Everyone would be at each other's throats by now if it weren't for you

Deleted user

Angie…I couldn't PM you for some reason, so look up Operation Oreo on General Chat.


Hey guys!

Listen the fuck up cus I'm about to tell y'all something!

This isn't directed at anyone in particular, but do you realize how ridiculous this all is? The Potato Cult, The Fork Cult, everything. These are all meant to be fun things that the owners can control and moderate. They aren't supposed to be excluding or for "special people". You don't make a cult to be special or to victimize themselves, it's supposed to be a silly casual thing! It seems like a few are taking the cults too seriously. For example, the Fork Cult was "shunning" people because we already had enough members and a PM! The Potato cult made this so they could "worship potatoes" but also as a place for people who were "rejected" by the Fork Cult.
People from the Fork cult don't need to come on here and advocate against potatoes (cus they're not really that important, you're just being silly), and in return, the Potato cult doesn't need to go on and on about how the Forks won't let any new members in.

What I'm trying to say is calm the fuck down and be friends.

Sly out


Thank you people
Please don't take any of this seriously, this whole thing is meant to be stupid. And I must clarify I DON'T WANT ANOTHER FUCKING WAR! Seriously, that's what my real life friends does all day and it's tiring and extremely annoying. This is just a silly thing where we "worship" potatoes not HARASSING PEOPLE. The whole fork and potato cult thing is just for fun. AND I said anyone could join. So if any of you are determined to be dicks then please politely leave this chat.
Thank you

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Glad to see this is simmering down a bit, but I'm going to go ahead and lock this thread just to make sure it stays cool. Lets all remember to be civil and be together for worldbuilding, regardless of the arbitrary groups or backgrounds we associate with. Don't forget we're all here to have fun and create crazy-cool worlds, and there's a whole forum of other diverse people and ideas out there to engage with. :)

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