Started by @yeetus

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@Neon_Gravestones_Try_To_Call_For_My_Bones-(It's MK)

Okay, I don't mean to be rude or mean or anything, but if you don't like the "yelling" then you don't have to follow this discussion. is ment to be a fun site for writers to collaborate, write, create characters and stories, etc, and I understand that you find some of the comments in this chat annoying, but you guys in the "fork cult" are excluding people and at least everyone in this chat is included. Again, I don't mean to be rude, but if you don't like the "yelling" you don't have to even read the discussion. Okay, that's all, sorry for the long post-ish thing and I hope I don't upset anyone… Thank you for your time and have a great day :)


Honestly yeah. I don’t think any of us want to sound rude, but it’s not really fair to everyone on here if you’re dictating the way they can post. If people want to have big text, there’s nothing wrong with that. No one’s requiring you to be here, so if the text really bothers you that much you don’t need to stay on here


We have enough separation irl… Why is it needed among chats now, to. Why not get rid of the cult completely if its causing so much trouble… Its obviously causing more trouble among the forums to know that only a select few are "allowed" among this stupid chat thing. As a part of the VERY controversial LGBTQ+, I'm no stranger to being left out of a lot of shit and always feeling separated and looked down upon. I speak for myself when I say, I would like for there to be at least ONE place where we can all just have open shit and no one is "better" or "left out" of anything. We get toxic people, but what other chats are going around making themselves private and excluding others because of them?


I've been on here for nearly a year now, I'm aware. I never really talked on forums, but I was here. I use this site for worldbuilding… I understand toxic people but what stops them from moving to some other chat? Why doesn't everyone else go private? Look I'm not trying to be rude or pick a fight between anyone, I'm just asking why that one place needs to be separate, while everyone else deals with toxic peeps?


there is no reason for separation, people try to exclude themselves but leave space for others like them to fit in. people don't want to make everything private because then no new idea's are spread they are instead stomped to the ground by people who want to destroy everything a person has put their minds to.

Deleted user

Excuse me, but the FC is just a nickname for a group of us. We’re opening up new things for the FC but to keep it public would be pointless. We’re not going to stop with the cult because it gives us a sense of security of being able to tell people we know and trust rather than someone that could possibly never written in their lives, and is just here to… I don’t know, but I’d much rather people I know to tell my problems, and I’m sure the others can say the same.

We just adopted the FC because it’s a running JOKE. Okay! Christ! I’m leaving this chat, and I don’t give a damn if anyone else tries to tell me the FC is as pointless as the others, because it’s not.

It’s a group of friends, who know and trust each other.


Look, it was their decision to do it. I honestly see no problem with making a chat private. There’s nothing wrong with it if they want to keep it between a specific group of people. There are plenty of places on Notebook, including this chat, where everyone is welcome. I sincerely doubt that they meant anyone harm. They’ve already said that they can make a new pm if more people want to join, so I really don’t see the problem here

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Deleted user

TF OKAY so we are talking about a toxic community, wtf was that right there?!

Excuse me?

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