forum CRAZY
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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I had a dream where me, Loki, Bucky, and my sisters where trying to enlarge the rabbit hole to the Land of Oz, but since we were literally five feet away from a police station the police came after us because we were destroying public property.
So I took the wheel (We were driving a van suddenly) and went all 'stunt devil' on the highway. We finally lost the police and raced back to the rabbit hole. (The police station was at the bottom of the super steep mountain) Half of our somehow inlarged group went to the top of the mountains so they would not be seen by the police' but they found out there was a military camp at the top of the mountain and they started shooting them down with machine guns.
In the end, I was still driving away from the police and we never made it to the land of Oz.


Yeah I get those too
Last night I dreamed that Lin Manuel Miranda came to a weird gathering and gave an inspirational speech about writing and stuff like that. Then at the end I asked if I could hug him and he said yes and whispered something about waffles in my ear then I woke up. It was at this weird mall like place that looked like an abandoned auto shop from outside but inside it was really bright and vivid. I've been there in my dreams before but like to different parts like the train station part but that's another story.

wow the was long…sorry….

@Angel with a music box

I had a dream that me Legolas, Gimli, and Aragorn were all chilling in a library. They were really sweet and kept talking about books with me. Kinda wish I never woke up, ya know?


I remember this one time I was in a dream where I was in some kind of Adventure Story TM thing where I had gotten caught by some mad Egyptian cultists and they were going to feed me and some other guy to ravenous wolves, and turns out when we got to the stereotypical pit where they were kept, they were playing cards. One of the cultist was like 'WHAT. ARE. YOU DOING?!?' and one of the wolves says, 'We're tired of human flesh. We want tofu and Chinese takeout.' and cultist was lie 'Oh, okay.' and let me and the other guy go.


I had a dream that me Legolas, Gimli, and Aragorn were all chilling in a library. They were really sweet and kept talking about books with me. Kinda wish I never woke up, ya know?

(That sounds awesome. I wonder what kind of books they read.)


Ooo I have another one
I was walking around outside my house, I was like 8 or somethin idrk, and this guy came up to me and told me I was about to destroy the earth by stepping on an ant. Then I was suddenly in school (years older) and we were learning about Greek Mythology and my crush came over to me and smacked me in the face for no reason. Then I woke up…
Idrk what was going on.

@Angel with a music box

Once upon a time, good jokes roamed the land. Now it is over ridden by puns and corny word-plays. One day, the master joke will come and save us all! Have faith, brothers!!!


Wow that's great

Another in that surreal dream mall.

It was the Olympics, but they weren't normal Olympics, these were REALLY COOL! Anyway, So I'm wandering around this track like thing that leads to the train station in this mall place, and this dude with bright green walks up to me and just starts talking and we have this nice conversation and we start to walk through the mall and we step through this door and suddenly I'm at my house. So we're at the front door and this girl opens it and it's his girlfriend and she's really acting weird. So he goes upstairs cus apparently they know my house. And I'm like "I need to go to the bathroom" And so I just hide in the bathroom for some reason and watch his girlfriend. Suddenly this FBI guy just shows up at the front door and starts talkin to her. "So I come out and I'm like "What's goin on?" And she says "Tell my bf we're breakin up" And I say "Well why can't you" And she didn't answer so i just went upstairs and told him as gently as I could. He started crying and I was like "Let's go back to the Olympics that'll make you feel better" and so we get teleported to the station and we're walkin around and it ends with us waitin for the train.

Long again sorry