forum Come Get Some Help If You Need It!
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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im having sad feelings about my past "relationship" that lasted a week and was never an official thing because the guy got scared and ran?????????
that was two years ago!!! what are emotions????? Why is my brain doing this????
like, I have no reason to be sad, we heald hands for a week, he kissed me once, I asked if that meant he was my boyfriend and he freaked and said he wasnt ready for a relationship.
none of that is my fault
why is brain still sad????


Well for starters, I currently don’t feel ANY emotions. On top of that, I may or may not have hurt my crush, completely by accident, over text. I haven’t heard from her in two days.

I know how worrying that can be.
I thought I killed my friend once and they were fine.
So don't worry.

And if you're worried about hurting your crush isn't that an emotion?


I may or may not have hurt my crush, completely by accident, over text. I haven’t heard from her in two days.

Remember an earlier post I'd made… I was bummed out because I thought I might've been responsible for my friend's death?
All it was was a trip to the hospital.
What I'd thought was the death of me turned out to be a few specks of rust on the statue of my pride…

I have a feeling this is the same…
It's good to be worried.
But also keep calm and don't jump to conclusions.


Mmmm I can't sleep and I have to wake up for school in 5 hours and I have that annoying ball of rolled up anxiety that's just twisting and turning and tumbling for no reason and i feel rather numb right now and i have no real reason whatsover for anything