forum Come Get Some Help If You Need It!
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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So I wanted to get back into the swing of things and start helping people again.
If you guys want to rant, vent, cry, mope, or whatever, this is the spot.
If you need mental illness support, this is the spot for you.
If you need familial, social, romantic, academic or career advice, this is the spot.
If you need someone to distract you, or take the pain away, this is the place…
I also help with suicide prevention I guess. If you need a lifeline, com here.

I always ask that you go see a professional first. That's rule number one.

I'm ready.


Well I don't need help right now but I've been not at my best since the year began. It's not like anything is bad per se, but it's not quite good either and I've been having some bad thoughts and dreams


Just….getting back to school will probably bring up some extra stress

I see.
Try falling asleep to subliminal messages.
Mindfulness helps too.
Get some sleep.
Take a shower.


Okay so recently I’ve been feeling down a lot and I’m supposed to be on holiday and having fun but I’m just… not.
I’m self harming again and just always sad and hiding it and I dunot know what to do. Also, I’m not eating as much and my parents just haven’t noticed. My mum is trying to force me to eat breakfast which she knows I hate and just not listening to me. I tell Hermes I don’t want to eat yet she brings me food anyway and it annoys me because she doesn’t want to listen.
I’m homesick too and missing my gf a lot and I wanna be home with her and my friends and I have so many emotions I don’t know what to do about them right now. I’m also afraid of being a disappointment and just ugh…

Sorry, I’m done now.


I get it.
Had the homesickness when I was in Russia.
And I was cutting myself a week or so ago.
But Carys, it will get better.
You're a witty, charming, adorkable person and you shouldn't do those things to yourself…

Deleted user

Hi Qxeen! You're amazimg!


I've told you so much.
And it's true, Qxeen!

Ik but that was so random


Harming yourself won't distract you from the psychological pain you feel. It will only add to it in the long run…
Harming yourself is like stabbing yourself in the hand so you don't think about how it hurts when you stub your toe… Not only this. But if the ones you love find out, they will be in pain as well… And when they're in psin, you will be too…
Not only that, but you could possibly become addicted…

Here are some ways to stop self-harm.
-Put a rubber band on your wrist and snap it when you feel the need to self harm. Or when you feel invasive thoughts.
-Draw on yourself instead.
-Slap your thighs or something easier and less permanent.
-Fall asleep to anti-self-harm subliminal messages.
-Try mindfulness.


I know I shouldn’t do it, Shuri and it’s hard because I’ve done it before and I just… I can’t stop it. My parents know I did and I was getting help for it and I thought I was getting better but with every little jab that my sis makes about me being a 99.9% straight A student or the small comments my friends make…
And I’m so insecure I feel like if I tell people then they’ll push me away or they’ll tell other people, which happened two years ago and I can’t tell people now.
It just hurts… everything hurts…