forum *Clears throat* FITZSIMMONS
Started by @Imperfect_Autumn group

people_alt 3 followers


(Missionary kid)

COOL! I mean, I'm sure there are things not-so-cool, but that's cool to me.

It is cool! Honestly I'm so used to bugs now that I see cockroach, and just go, "meh go away." Then I just go on doing whatever I was doing. Same with all other types of bugs.

Deleted user

(Missionary kid)

COOL! I mean, I'm sure there are things not-so-cool, but that's cool to me.

It is cool! Honestly I'm so used to bugs now that I see cockroach, and just go, "meh go away." Then I just go on doing whatever I was doing. Same with all other types of bugs.


@Imperfect_Autumn group

(Missionary kid)

COOL! I mean, I'm sure there are things not-so-cool, but that's cool to me.

It is cool! Honestly I'm so used to bugs now that I see cockroach, and just go, "meh go away." Then I just go on doing whatever I was doing. Same with all other types of bugs.


Someone who goes to a foreign country to spread Christianity (or Catholicism, it depends).

Deleted user

(Missionary kid)

COOL! I mean, I'm sure there are things not-so-cool, but that's cool to me.

It is cool! Honestly I'm so used to bugs now that I see cockroach, and just go, "meh go away." Then I just go on doing whatever I was doing. Same with all other types of bugs.


Someone who goes to a foreign country to spread Christianity (or Catholicism, it depends).

Oh, okay. Thanks :)


Ew. Ew-ew-ew. Cockroaches are nasty.

Mosquitoes are ANNOYING. They are relentless here in the summer!

I barley even notice mosquitoes anymore. I have like a million bites though.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Ew. Ew-ew-ew. Cockroaches are nasty.

Mosquitoes are ANNOYING. They are relentless here in the summer!

I barley even notice mosquitoes anymore. I have like a million bites though.

That's how I am in the summer. Except, I'm allergic to them, so it gets horrible.


Ew. Ew-ew-ew. Cockroaches are nasty.

Mosquitoes are ANNOYING. They are relentless here in the summer!

I barley even notice mosquitoes anymore. I have like a million bites though.

That's how I am in the summer. Except, I'm allergic to them, so it gets horrible.

(Ouch. Sorry)


……………… that was……………………………………..punintended……………………………………………


Sad. I like Fitzsimmons and Daisy. And Lincoln.

(Some of my favorites. I mean I like all the characters, but Tripp, and–spoiler alert. But seriously.