forum *Clears throat* FITZSIMMONS
Started by @Imperfect_Autumn group

people_alt 3 followers


the first episode I thought they were speaking a different language. after watching Sherlock, downton abbey, doctor who, etc. I finally could understand them lol

@Imperfect_Autumn group


I was about to cry 'cause I thought that Fitz wasn't going to be able to save her, then I thought he was going to be trapped, too, and I was really sad!!!!!

@Imperfect_Autumn group

And April Fool's day!

Funny story:
Last night I was babysitting five kids w/my sister, and we were all talking about pranking each other. Skip to 5 am this morning—my sis and I spent the night—my sister noticed one of the boys walk into our room and do something. Not thinking anything of it, she goes back to sleep.

7 AM: We wake up, my sis goes to the door, grabs the handle, and exclaims: "What the heck?!?"
Sticky, light-blue goop all over the door handle… It was toothpaste.
It was also on the railing of the stairs leading down to the basement—where the guest room is—and on the inside door handle of said stairs.


A few days ago, since I have no April fools day pranks to report, my family had to eat outside.(long story) So everyone else had already left, and as per usual, my dad and i were still at the table talking. Then my dad saw the moon and he said, "Tasha look at the wolves!" So I looked. Then he howled, not to scare me on purpose. Which was good bc it didn't scare me. But then we decided to do it to my sister. so he called her and was like, "Jenna look over there!!!!" And he had her stand right in front of him. As soon as she saw the moon, my dad and I howled as loud as he could in her ear. She screamed. She never screams. She's like the hardest to prank. My dad and I just about fell off our chairs laughing while she yelled at us.


Ikr? So the kids are 9(?), twins, one boy and one girl—7(?), boy - 4, boy - and 1.5, girl.

The 7-year-old boy did that to us. We thought it was so funny!

(That kid is brilliant.)