forum Christmas Hauls!
Started by @Yamatsu

people_alt 48 followers


What did y'all end up getting for Christmas, or what were your favorite gifts? Here are some:
–A Nerf gun that I used in a family dart war in the living room
–Both Pokemon Sword AND Shield (for some reason, even though I asked for Shield specifically)
–Fret wraps for my guitars and bass
–The Jamstack, a portable amp that you can stick on your guitar and have your phone change the sound

There may be more gifts coming when the rest of the family gets here, but I really just want a chance to shoot at my cousins.

@Mojack group

  • Ancestors - The Humankind Odyssey
  • Chocolate
  • Pandemic (a board game)
  • Drawing supplies
  • A felting kit
  • new clothing
  • a blanket

And more then that as well

@HighPockets group

Some Funko Pops (Bodhi Rook and Lt. Connix)
A Barnes and Noble giftcard
Some new sweaters and a new flannel
Two new pairs of shoes (boots and normal)
A new tacklebox and some Star Wars figures (Yavin Luke and Leia, Skiff Guard Lando, Rebolt and the Corellian Hound, Jannah, and Cal Kestis)
Two LEGO sets (the Pasaana one from TROS and a knockoff Cloud City one from a Chinese company that does near-perfect replica sets)
And some miscellanious stuff too

@HighPockets group

Cool! I can't wait to play the game, I think my dad is going to buy it for himself during break! Cal seems like an awesome character, his figure is pretty good but mine has his eyes printed a bit too close together. A solid 6/10 though. I'd give Jannah a 9/10, my only complaint is that her cape isn't removable.

@Mojack group

I finished Fallen Order a few weeks ago (I won’t spoil it, don’t worry lol) and I think you’ll all enjoy it! Yeah there’s definitely quite a few puzzles in it but it is enjoyable, good story; and pretty fun to listen to the different voice lines..

Love that Star Wars stuff as well. My dad got a Star Wars boardgame called Star Wars Rebellion for Christmas as well, and it looks pretty fun.


here are my favorite things that i got !!

  • two new stress balls (they b knowing i stressed i-)
  • a LOT of candy
  • three really cute (blue) stuffed animals
  • a lil drone that's like an actual living thing bc it's an idiot and i love it
  • assassin's creed odyssey
  • a bunch of cool looking bracelets :0
  • 'nd a cute lil dream-catcher