forum Christian Chat
Started by @Rvan group

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@Rvan group

yeets back into notebook
Well, since this is a class, keep in mind if coming out could affect your grade. Since it requires you to talk about your sexuality, I assume it would be accepting, but just something to keep in mind.
And, as a Christian, I know that God love’s everyone- no matter your sexuality or gender or whatever. And if your friends don’t accept you for who you are, then so what? Besides, they are your friends, I would hope to think that they would still be your friends if you came out. I was actually once in your friends position- I was kinda a homophobe just because it was foreign to me. But then, I later found out my friend -I had them known for a very long time- was gay. And I’ll admit, it took me some getting used to. But now, we’re actually super close, and we’ve been close for a long time now :)
Also, just because a person is very conservative doesn’t mean they won’t like you just because you’re asexual/part of the LGBT+ community. I’m rather conservative, and most of my friends are part of the LGBT+ community.
However, if you don’t want to come out (sorta kinda I don’t know where I’m going) but not outright lie, maybe you could just say something along the lines of you aren’t really interested in sex, shrug
I hope I helped in some way, and I hope your class goes well


Thank you Rvan. It's really comforting to hear that from you. I do realise that a lot of people are conservative and not against LGBT+ people it's just hard for me as ive only come out to a handful of people and have never come out to a group before. I really appreciate your help.
ive had some time to breathe and I realise I was panicking and overthinking everything which is a habit im trying to break. your response helped me to slow my brain down enough to get a handle on my thoughts and think more rationally about the whole situation.
I think what im going to do is come out to my friends before we give the presentation in class so none of them get upset over me not telling them and because I think it will be easier to approach the whole thing when I know there are people in the class who support me.
thanks again for the help, I am now much more hopeful that everything will end up okay.

@Rvan group

(Not really religious, but I know my Christian texts.)

Hey Shuri waves I’m kinda surprised anyone cared that much
My depression has just kinda sucked recently, and it’s been getting worse notebook most days so I’ve been staying off for the most part and only really coming on to chat with irl friends in PM. Hopefully, I’ll be getting in to therapy/counseling/whatever soon, but yeah. I’m happy to see you too

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Yo, Hobbit. First off, colleges are pretty accepting of all that stuff.
Second, being Ace is nothing like being gay or whatever. It's not that you want things that some people consider wrong. It's merely not wanting that kind of partnership, which is pretty much acceptable by everyone. Some people just aren't meant to love and get married. It's been that way from the beginning of time even if it's a little unusual. Some people (this is on the Christian chat so I guess I can say this) have a plan to focus on just God instead of a romantic partner.


hello! I know I haven't posted for a while, but I feel like I should give it a go to help. I don't know what its like to be LGBT+ or anything, and I honestly haven't read up in the Bible about this stuff as much as I should, but if being Asexual means that you aren't attracted to anybody, what's wrong with that? I think that it is really cool that you want to devote your whole life to God, and whatever you do, I think that prayer is the most important thing you can do in this situation. I'll be praying for you, good luck!


Hey guys! So, super random but would you pray for the weather to let up here? If the snow doesn't stop I won't be able to get to youth group, and I really need to talk to one of my friends.


Hey guys! So, super random but would you pray for the weather to let up here? If the snow doesn't stop I won't be able to get to youth group, and I really need to talk to one of my friends.

I will keep you in my prayers.


I just realized I can scream THIS IS A GOOD, CHRISTIAN SERVER at people here without offending anyone… my nefarious evil scheme is going exactly as planned