forum Childhood Trauma
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Deleted user

There's a youtube channel I enjoy watching called "Yourmoviesucks" A while back he made a series called "Childhood Trauma" Where he talked about shows and movies he watched that traumatized him when he was younger. So, I was wondering, what shows/ movies/ books/ etc. traumatized you when you were younger?

Deleted user

@Masterkey My parents wouldn't let me see it at that age. I'm older now and have seen it several times and I think I know why

@Googly_I (inactive)

i dont really have any childhood trauma experiences relating to books/tv shows/movies.

Now if we were talking in general, theres quite a few stories that i, honest-to-god, never trust anyone with.


Aww thought this was gonna be like a group therapy rp haha. Oooh… books, tv shows and movies…
I know, fricken Watership Down and despite it being a beautiful movie to me now, when I was a kid, I used to draw burrows with rabbits in while at school, but, like the movie, I'd draw the rabbits killing each other and by the time I'd finished, I had a very red piece of paper so yeah, that, but it didn't really mess me up or anything I don't think.
I mean, as a 6/7-year-old, my favourite movies were deep blue sea and this dino movie called carnosaur 3: Primal species. I liked bloody, messed up shit like that.


Pinocchio. For some reason or another, that scene when that boy turned into a donkey really scared me. In fact, if I'm being honest, all kids movies that had traumatic transformation scenes scared me

Deleted user

@Twitchy Just a thing where people can talk about their childhoods and relate to each other. Plus, I'm curious as to what others found "scary" or "traumatic"


there was this super weird episode of veggie tales that scared me for no reason. I legit get weird vibes from it even today. idk what its really about but there was this dream sequence where the asparagus was surrounded by walking mirrors and there was this spooky music and idk it just really stuck with me. it was creepy!

Deleted user

I watched Coraline when I was five. I have no idea how that happened. And I didn't have nightmares, just a weird dream about it.
Where The Red Fern Grows traumatized me. Like when that kid fell on the axe? Omg, 11 year old me just shut the book and just went to bed. I could not continue reading it. Now here I am writing scenes gorier than that. Ha.
And Sleepy Hollow. I liked the plot but I kept thinking the nude devil guy was just gonna show up in my room and kill me. I couldn't sleep that night. (I was 12, does that count as childhood?)


Hmm. Let's see here. Probably A Series of Unfortunate Events. When I was maybe 7 or 8, I started reading the first book. The house burnt down, the parents died, and the kids went off to live with their psychotic uncle. This is exactly what I DIDN'T want to read. Not sure why, but I just hated it and continue to dislike it today, even with the Netflix show, too.

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@Mindful_Bison I didn't really like the Netflix series either. The visual style reminds me of a discount live-action Dr.Seuss film like the cat in the hat.

Deleted user

It's not that awful. At least, not as awful as the Lorax movie by illumination


Okay this is weird but, I was and still am scared of the Muppets.

I have a friend who's scared of the Muppets and I think she's 19 or 20. don't feel too bad lol

@Nanashima Haru

When I was about 8, I was looking for some movies to watch. I stumbled upon Happy Tree Friends. Just half an episode was enough to traumatize me up till now (I’m 16)