forum Chat to discuss mental health + related subjects
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@stolenbrocoli group

does anyone know any good tips for coping with abandonment issues and stuff like that. i know everyone copes differently wit stuff but i was wondering if anyone had some ideas ?

Deleted user

Everyone is different and I personally have never struggled with abandonment so I might not be much help but! Reach out to people who care about you, talk to people you know you can trust, and take care of yourself! Being abandoned sucks and I really hope it gets better for you.

Deleted user

Okay so intrusive thoughts are really bad today, anyone have advice for that? I genuinely don't know how to handle my mind at the moment and I don't want to hurt people but my brain says I do, and in excruciating detail how I should do it.


try imagining that all of those bullshit thoughts are being said by trump, no matter the nature of them. also, every time you think negatively in regards to someone, try to think of a positive thing you love about them.

@Pickles group

I saw a thing this morning about it that was basically like "learning how to dismiss them is crucial" which doesn't really be very specific. Personally I just kind of do the thing in the looking away meme and say "yeah okay let's not" but idk how well that'll work for you because I don't get many all that often

@Pickles group

try imagining that all of those bullshit thoughts are being said by trump, no matter the nature of them. also, every time you think negatively in regards to someone, try to think of a positive thing you love about them.

Oh my gold I love you

Deleted user

Unfortunately I am unable to think positively about myself.


Hi time to drag my fandom shit into this
Thomas Sanders actually has an episode in his series Sanders Sides that addresses intrusive thoughts. It helped me a lot and the intrusive thoughts character is now my favorite soooo idk there’s that.


Unfortunately I am unable to think positively about myself.

you have pretty eyes(everyone has pretty eyes i don't need to see yours to know that), you're always willing to lend an ear to people's problems and that's something not a lot of people do but a lot of people need.

Deleted user

Ooh! I honestly love Sanders Sides! Not to derail, of course, but FANDOM BUDDIES! I discovered his stuff last week and it's. It's wonderful. I mean it has its flaws like all media but it's very fun and cute.

Deleted user

Unfortunately I am unable to think positively about myself.

you have pretty eyes(everyone has pretty eyes i don't need to see yours to know that), you're always willing to lend an ear to people's problems and that's something not a lot of people do but a lot of people need.

Aww! You're too kind.


Ooh! I honestly love Sanders Sides! Not to derail, of course, but FANDOM BUDDIES! I discovered his stuff last week and it's. It's wonderful. I mean it has its flaws like all media but it's very fun and cute.

:D yeah it’s great!!
The fandom is pretty mild on toxicity so that’s nice
But yes intrusive thoughts episode is gReAt
Unless personification makes things worse for you personally, idk