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I'm seriously considering giving my parents this note I wrote a while ago that tells them a little bit but that's insanely scary and I know that there are people who think I should but it's just

idk. like I made the plan almost a month ago and waited for my grandma to leave cuz I don't want to drag her in and she left yesterday and the plan is to leave the note but that's just

I don't even know what'll happen

Deleted user

You'll never know what will happen, and that's okay. If you aren't ready to tell them, wait, but telling someone, even randos on the internet like me, is a step up from bottling it up inside. You'll be okay, and you'll tell them when you're ready.


the weird thing is that I literally have a therapist tho I haven't talked to her in over 3 months so logically you'd think it'd be better but I can't even talk to her about anything cuz I'm terrified
and I wrote a note to give her during my next appointment but then I couldn't cuz of covid and it's just been weird

Deleted user

Ah, that sucks. Are they offering services over the phone or on something like Zoom? Maybe ask your parents to look into that, it's how I'm seeing my therapist and it's nice to at least talk even if it isn't in person.


online therapy is a thing! there are sites and whatnot to professionally do it, and sometimes if you had a therapist just skyping works

also, it's all in how you tell your parents. play it down just enough, but not enough that they think you can manage. be like 'i really hope i don't have these problems, but a few people who have them have mentioned that i seem to as well, so maybe it would be a good idea to talk to a professional just to make sure i don't? that way it doesn't surprise us badly later'. if that would work on your parents, ykno

some of y'all might have to be more forward and hold to it, though. sometimes, parents see any sign of uncertainty as a reason to say no, so you have to keep pushing while being respectful. tell them that if it goes undiagnosed and treated, it could affect your school and job life, but that treatment can keep it from being a super big problem

@Pickles group

'i really hope i don't have these problems, but a few people who have them have mentioned that i seem to as well, so maybe it would be a good idea to talk to a professional just to make sure i don't? that way it doesn't surprise us badly later'.

Me, about to steal this word for word:


hfdghdf i typed that up with the intent of hopefully helping you out so i'm glad you think it might work. remember not to piss them off because that can usually send parents like that backwards from any progress you've made on a topic like that. ykno, 'teen angst'

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Okey dokey. Grief. That's what has eaten away at me for the past year. I've lost so much family this year, and none of it is realted to the global pandemic. The stages of grief, which I found out, do not help. I'll be feeling fine, then I'll hear a song, or smell a particular smell that brings back floods of memories, and I'll crack and break. Most of the time though, I'm just angry. Angry that all those people that had a piece of my heart, are gone, taking a part of me with them. After being angry, I'll feel really guilty for actally being angry and then I'll just cry. Sometimes it's all I can do. But I know I need help, because sometimes I can't cope. My attitude has dropped, my motivation has dropped, basically everything that is considered normal had dropped, except weight, stress, and workload. I'm just done with being angry, sad, and upset, but I can't really help it. My mom said it'll pass in time, but time doesn't heal every hurt. That's just my little depresso espresso rant for the day. Thank you for listening.


doubt anyone cares but uh
I gave my mom the letter
and I know this conversation is important but it's hard too
thinking about it alone makes me feel so twisted and weird
it's not going badly or anything but it feels Wrong
like the classic "there's something wrong with me" wrong
idek it's been a long day

@Becfromthedead group

Your parents can be the most accepting people in the world, and it's still hard. I'm glad you have taken the step to talk to your parents. In fact, it's great that we can all talk about mental health stuff together, because it's not fun, but solidarity between people who are struggling with mental health is important, especially since we can potentially give each other the courage to speak up.

Deleted user

Yeah, coming out about anything is hard. Good for you, though! I hope it goes well!

Deleted user

Okey dokey. Grief. That's what has eaten away at me for the past year. I've lost so much family this year, and none of it is realted to the global pandemic. The stages of grief, which I found out, do not help. I'll be feeling fine, then I'll hear a song, or smell a particular smell that brings back floods of memories, and I'll crack and break. Most of the time though, I'm just angry. Angry that all those people that had a piece of my heart, are gone, taking a part of me with them. After being angry, I'll feel really guilty for actally being angry and then I'll just cry. Sometimes it's all I can do. But I know I need help, because sometimes I can't cope. My attitude has dropped, my motivation has dropped, basically everything that is considered normal had dropped, except weight, stress, and workload. I'm just done with being angry, sad, and upset, but I can't really help it. My mom said it'll pass in time, but time doesn't heal every hurt. That's just my little depresso espresso rant for the day. Thank you for listening.

Aww, I hope things get better! During a huge period of change, dealing with mental health can be hard. That's why I decided to drop out of school until the pandemic was over. This is stressful for all of us, and I hope I can support you in any way possible.


Well kiddos I woke up to the news that my significant other might have covid. And I just saw them on Friday so if they have it I definitely do too.
And I’m just thinking about all the people that I’ve seen over the weekend that are now going to get it if I have it, including my parents who are edging on the age of being increased risk.
Sooo yeah
Kinda wanna tear out my lungs now??

Deleted user

Please don't tear out your lungs.

Also. FIND SOMEONE WILLING TO SUPPORT YOU. If you do get sick, you'll want it (I caught covid, fortunately my older brother is a nurse and was really chill during that period of time and was willing to help me out). However, you could just be asymptomatic, in which case, GOOD. Quarantine yourself for 14 days and wash EVERYTHING you come in contact with. Well, maybe not everything, mainly:

Sheets and pillows and blankets, whatever is in your bed.
Clothing and other fabrics.
Wipe down tables, counters, etc.

And stay safe! Ibuprofen isn't recommended but you should be safe with Tylenol for pain and get some cough medicine ahead of time as well as stocking up on food. Take care of yourself!

Also if you don't already have one, a humidifier is a lifesaver in these "uncertain times".

Things will smell and taste weird for a bit. It's normal.

A few months afterwards, you may experience hot flashes and muscle weakness. If it's worrying, talk to your doctor but otherwise just relax cuz it goes away.

Deleted user

I mean that's kinda dumb. We need hugs to survive, literally.

Deleted user

OH! Oh jeez, I was talking about the Parasympathetic nervous system-but I get hating physical contact. Weighted blankets have the same effect.

look at me accidentally being ableist against myself

I get not liking hugs, I have low physical tolerance days. I'm so sorry for othering you!

Deleted user

Let me revise my earlier hug statement to chemicals are weird and I'm dumb.

@Becfromthedead group

If all you did is hug, I wouldn’t say you probably have it. Isolate, get tested in a few days if you are able, and follow the other advice from @allthegoodusernamesweretaken because it’s all important.
If your parents are on the cusp of “high risk” age and otherwise in good health, honestly, everything is probably going to be fine. Just keep an eye on things, and you should be good to go.
In addition, covid is not as contagious as you might think. The average number of people someone will spread covid to is approximately 2, I think (I’m having trouble finding the most recent data). So even if you do spread it, it’s probably just going to be to a couple of people, whom you will presumably tell about your exposure. Knowing you’ve been exposed is kind of a key bit in wanting to seek medical help if you get really sick too.
I know it’s scary. I got really sick a couple of weeks ago and had to wait a whole week for test results (which thank god were negative). I had seen my grandparents as well, so that was a big concern. But just know that everything should be okay. You know about your exposure, and medical professionals are better-equipped to deal with this virus than ever before.

Deleted user

What bec said, that was waaay more comprehensive than I could have done so thanks for the addition!

@Becfromthedead group

Np! I’m in public health as a field, so I know a good bit about spread and all that. Figured I’d drop in my knowledge as a way to offer reassurance.