forum Chat Of Appreciation
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@The-Magician group

@PsychedelicMind Thank you for an awesome night, it was really fun (I’m just sorry that fatigue got the best of me). I’m looking forward to another round, if you’ll let me :))

@sad-yeehaw I love you too! I miss seeing you on discord, but I know we’ll have the chance to properly talk again ^•^

@Altrince_is_on_hiatus I don’t think I need to explain why I appreciate you. All I can really say is thank you <3

Deleted user

@PsychedelicMind Thank you for an awesome night, it was really fun (I’m just sorry that fatigue got the best of me). I’m looking forward to another round, if you’ll let me :))

It's a no problemo dude ! And definitely ! I'd love to have ya


@izzy-the-vampire-ghost You're awesome, and I should say it more often. You're a great friend, and fun to talk to. You're one the best friends I could ask for, and I'm glad to have bumped into you on this site. Love ya~ <3
@ShyDark_Angel You're really cool and I love talking to you. You're extremely creative, and have a big imagination. Love you! <3




^^ Really proud of how far you've come, kiddo. You've improved so much these past few months, and it hasn't gone unnoticed.

Deleted user

(Im sorry Ella. I have to. Please forgive me)

Thanks, guys! I wouldn't have done it without You! You really did put me into place. I truly appreciate All of you! <3 <3


This thread is now out of use. If you have anything else to respond to, please take it to the new one. We're at a perfectly even number of replies and pages rn and if you say anything else it'll be ruined which'll make me sad, so please dear gosh head to the new one.

Thank you.