forum Chat a la atheism
Started by @Low_Mein

people_alt 50 followers


mother was a complete controlling and manipulative narcissist which wanted to force me into her Christian cult thing but i went nope

My dad is the same, he's extremely manipulative, and he can't get it through his mind that other religions exist and atheism is perfectly normal as long as I'm not toxic about not believing, which I'm not. He's way too pushy.

Deleted user

Yeah, mine just thinks everything else is wrong and they're right, they're Pentecostal, so that should sum things up

It's hard living with a person who is on the other end of the spectrum

@Becfromthedead group

^^^ Yeah, my mom is like “I don’t understand how anyone could not believe in god!” Also Christian. The whole family is methodist.
Well she doesn’t know about me so uhhhh


Lol it's like that one british guy Ricky Gervais, he said "There have been nearly 3000 gods so far but only yours actually exists. The others are silly made up nonsense. But not yours. Yours is real."

I thought that was funny because it sums up my dad and his thick skull not being able to comprehend the fact that we don't know which god rules them all or whatever, or if every god simultaneously exists, or has existed in the past, who knows.