forum Chat a la atheism
Started by @Low_Mein

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Fair enough. The way I personally define atheism is kind of the opposite. I think that all gods exist…for their respective religions, even if your religion happens to be one in which you don't believe in any god or higher power. Essentially, that there isn't necessarily a "wrong" religion or lack of one (although the morality behind crime-committing cults or individuals can certainly be debated).

I believe more in synchronicity, or in other words, that nothing happens without reason and energy flow is the way in which the universe works. That being said, I still believe in a god. I just don't personally view any religion, or lack thereof, to be invalid or wrong (except, of course, ones that involve the harm of others, because that's just not cool).

I don't think I explained that very well, but to be perfectly honest, I'm not sure I understand it, either.

I just know that I longer fit under any main category of religion to my knowledge, so instead of explaining every time someone asks me, I just say I'm undecided.

So it's not necessarily atheism (which I realize contradicts my first statement), but atheism is the closest "religion" to what I believe.

Deleted user

Personally, I take atheism as wanting to live my own life. I'm atheist simply because I believe that I shouldn't centralize how I feel about something or what I do around something else. I am an individual and I believe I should have control in my own fate and own decisions. Though, this doesn't take away from the fact that I don't respect other religions. It still makes me curious to hear what people of religion feel or how they practice, and I'll participate, I simply won't believe it'll go anywhere, you know?


Personally, I take atheism as wanting to live my own life. I'm atheist simply because I believe that I shouldn't centralize how I feel about something or what I do around something else. I am an individual and I believe I should have control in my own fate and own decisions. Though, this doesn't take away from the fact that I don't respect other religions. It still makes me curious to hear what people of religion feel or how they practice, and I'll participate, I simply won't believe it'll go anywhere, you know?

Yo me too
I just want to live my own way

Deleted user

I think atheism is different in everyone. There's always going to be that conscious thought that someone believes something you don't, and you'll make people uncomfortable with that.

You could always be that asshole atheist who enforces their thoughts on religious people, as they enforce their views (as they're supposed to due to their religion), but they don't.

So Google can't describe what atheism is. You can.


I think atheism is different in everyone. There's always going to be that conscious thought that someone believes something you don't, and you'll make people uncomfortable with that.

You could always be that asshole atheist who enforces their thoughts on religious people, as they enforce their views (as they're supposed to due to their religion), but they don't.

So Google can't describe what atheism is. You can.

My dad's an asshole christian who can't accept there could possibly be any other true religion and he yells at me every time I see him because he hates that I'm atheist. Google defined it pretty well in my case, I just don't believe in a god right now.


OK, so you could also define atheism as no religion, correct?
Because my friend does not believe in a God or gods and I was like "so your atheist" and she was like "no, I just don't have a religion" and I was like "well that is atheism" and she was like "no, atheism is a religion." It just confused me a lot and while I'm Christian I just wanted to ask that.
Also, I'm sorry for those atheists who have experienced aggressive Christians or people of other religions because as a Christian that's exactly what I feel like we're not supposed to do.

@Becfromthedead group

Agnosticism is a thing too. It's more or less lack of a religion, whereas atheism is more lack of belief in a higher power.
I do not follow a religion, but I do not consider myself atheist, but rather agnostic because I acknowledge that there's probably some sort of force out there, but I don't think it's anything we can begin to understand, and I also don't believe that any one religion holds all the answers.
So in short, agnosticism =/= atheism


Ah, I see. That makes sense.
although she did say she wasn't atheist because she "didn't want to put a label on it" but she puts a label on her sexuality and other things and it's not exactly a label but more a definition?

@Becfromthedead group

Agnostic I believe has a broader definition and sounds close to what your friend described. But also some people might want to put a label on one thing but not another, and it's ultimately up to them, ya know?


Fair enough. The way I personally define atheism is kind of the opposite. I think that all gods exist…for their respective religions, even if your religion happens to be one in which you don't believe in any god or higher power. Essentially, that there isn't necessarily a "wrong" religion or lack of one (although the morality behind crime-committing cults or individuals can certainly be debated).

I believe more in synchronicity, or in other words, that nothing happens without reason and energy flow is the way in which the universe works. That being said, I still believe in a god. I just don't personally view any religion, or lack thereof, to be invalid or wrong (except, of course, ones that involve the harm of others, because that's just not cool).

I don't think I explained that very well, but to be perfectly honest, I'm not sure I understand it, either.

I just know that I longer fit under any main category of religion to my knowledge, so instead of explaining every time someone asks me, I just say I'm undecided.

So it's not necessarily atheism (which I realize contradicts my first statement), but atheism is the closest "religion" to what I believe.

tbh this is kinda how i feel. i grew up in an experimental household with my mom, my mother practiced Buddhism, Aesthism, being a Christian and Hinduism, and when I grew older, she converted to Christianity. my dad is jewish. i have always been given the freedom to believe what I want and so I believe in a higher "force" ig, but not really per se, a God or gods. Which, i believe, is actually agnosticism.


OK, so you could also define atheism as no religion, correct?
Because my friend does not believe in a God or gods and I was like "so your atheist" and she was like "no, I just don't have a religion" and I was like "well that is atheism" and she was like "no, atheism is a religion." It just confused me a lot and while I'm Christian I just wanted to ask that.
Also, I'm sorry for those atheists who have experienced aggressive Christians or people of other religions because as a Christian that's exactly what I feel like we're not supposed to do.

idk if its a religion, really ( i don't feel like it is and i feel like it kinda depends on the person), but this site says its not:

Deleted user


atheism is the lack of belief in a higher power, aka, you do not believe, or reject the existence of a god or any other sort of deity. you do not believe in a higher power just like @Becfromthedead said

i actually identify with being an atheist
mother was a complete controlling and manipulative narcissist which wanted to force me into her Christian cult thing but i went nope
so here we are


OK, so you could also define atheism as no religion, correct?
Because my friend does not believe in a God or gods and I was like "so your atheist" and she was like "no, I just don't have a religion" and I was like "well that is atheism" and she was like "no, atheism is a religion." It just confused me a lot and while I'm Christian I just wanted to ask that.
Also, I'm sorry for those atheists who have experienced aggressive Christians or people of other religions because as a Christian that's exactly what I feel like we're not supposed to do.

Yeah everyone at my dad's church (which is owned and run by my grandpa so everyone knows me and all these old weird people getting way too close to me. They still think I'm christian though because I'm too scared to tell my grandpa because he's a die hard christian who speaks in 'tongues' or whatever. I think that whole ordeal is really stupid, but whatever. My dad is already really hurtful by pegging me over religion constantly.