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Deleted user

Angel: that means you have to get rid of yours Avery
Avery: growl fine


(I'm just going to do it)
Me: here's some company.
Claire: Sh*t why just why?
Ethan: Yay! I was getting bored!
Claire: that's because you got thrown in solitary AGAIN

Deleted user

Connor: chuckles
Me: You too, Connor.
Connor: Alright, but only because I'm in a good mood. takes off trenchcoat and hands over two combat knives, a skorpion, a fold-out AK-47, and a sword
Marcus: Damn son!
Baron: *hands me his Multi-Weapon.
Me: Keep it, I trust you.
Connor: And you don't trust me!?!
Me: You're the biggest bad boy here.
Connor: Well, you're right about that.

Deleted user

Avery:* takes off his sweatshirt and reveals a multitude of wepons trapped to his chest and back* here
Me: All of them
Avery: fine.. reaches in his pockets and pulls out some small knives and a rolled up whip.


Ava: looks at the weapons with her eyes wide.
Ethan: wow!! were did you get all that? I was like really close to holding a gun once!
Claire: holds the back of Ethan's shirt so he can't run to the weapons. an official tackled you and you tried to grab his gun, even though you know that its locked.


Kilándrè: And I'm the Princess. hands over two swords, a multitude of knives, bows and quiver
Incëreth: take off shirt
Incëreth: You can keep that. All my knives are in there
Me: Yeah she do that. A lot. Especially when sparring


Ethan: that’s so cool!
Claire : you have no clue what that is. (Talking about warlords)
Ethan: ya that’s were you are wrong! If I remember correctly it means he’s a military commander!

Deleted user

Connor: I'm technically a billionaire celebrity philanthropist, but zippers get wrapped up in deep shit.
Aiko: Or maybe you are deep shit.
Connor: Only as deep as you.
Aiko: forms a blade of pure white aether energy
Connor: pulls out a pair of 1911's
Me: Both of you.
Aiko: Fine.
Me: So you did have more weapons!
Connor: They never check the obvious places.
Me: Baron, pat him dowm again.
Baron: Sure…

Deleted user

Baron: hands me the twin 1911's a smoke bomb, and a flashbang
Me: The shoes?
Baron: Suspiciously empty.