forum Character Chats are popular, so...
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 3 followers

Deleted user

-Swearing and graphic stuff are allowed, but keep at least a bit of a filter.
-Four characters maximum.
-Don't be too dramatic.
-Have fun.

Me: Alright, everyone, welcome.
Baron: Yay, another one.
Connor: I hate all of you.
Marcus: Aye what is this?
Aiko: walks up to the bookshelf, analyzes books

@HighPockets group

Oliver: What is this place?
Ansel: It's a prison.
Jon: You'll know what that looks like someday, Ansel.
Ansel: swears
Darius: Language.
Jon: Oh, who cares?


Ava: well hello I'm Soph- she was about to say her old name but before she could finish she jumped back becuase of a small shock. man! I really thought that this thing wouldn't work here, she mumbled looking down at the screen that is implanted into her right arm.

Deleted user

Avery: I warn you, my brother is about to start flirting with everything
Angel: Hello pretty people!


Kilándrè: WTF I hate stupid male flirting
Ryllachor: LANGUAGE!
Incëreth & Tindorë: Shut up, Language Boy
Me: Yeah that's the…normal reaction

@HighPockets group

Jon: Wow. That's like Darius's reaction. fake coughs Hypocrite glares at Darius
Darius: There are children present!
Oliver: That hasn't stopped you before…

Deleted user

Baron: Welcome stranger!
Connor: facepalms Not another one
Marcus: Don't mind him.
Aiko: Yeah. He's just edgy.

Deleted user

Avery: wow an edgelord, what have we done to be graced with your presence

Deleted user

Connor: Believe it or not, sweetheart, all of existence is blessed with my presence. gives a wry smile


Incëreth: Aria go away this is not for children
Kilándrè: It might be a good idea for you to leave. For your sanity's sake
Tindorë: Fine. glares and leaves


Kilándrè: I apologise for the ungainly entrance
Incëreth: eye roll (whisper) Seriously Princess?
Kilándrè: pokes her with auric whip
Incëreth: Ow! glares