forum can I get a little advice?
Started by @RainClouds_Itachi_

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Deleted user

ahh, no, I'm the middle child. and I get what you mean by it shouldn't affect how she cares for us,, but it kinda has.
she spends less time with us (like, less than before), and she gets annoyed and snaps at us quicker. she's kinda just gotten,,, lazy? as a parent I guess.

Oh I see… Consider but realize I am no doctor: There is a chemical that your brain releases during sex and/or masturbation. It acts like a drug and when received often can become addictive. If she's doing these things regularly she might 'addicted' in a way? And that may also be why she cheated? Just anything to fill the addiction. She might snap at you from withdrawals and being lazy because she wants to get back to it…
I'm not a doctor and I may be VERY VERY wrong but it was just a thought.

Deleted user

oof, alright goodnight
you've been pretty helpful already so far, so all is good

If you need anything you can put it here or DM me and I can respond in the morning.


Ah… Geez I can relate… I'm usually fortunate enough so that I'm imposing to the point of getting what I want. So I wouldn't understand the fighting part, but I can get the rest of it pretty easy…

My main advice, is to keep on pushing through no matter what. You're getting depressed, and when you get depressed you get a bir pissy, trust me I know. But if you can convert thst anger into productivity well. That's awesome. Like I said I've experienced most of this exactly. I'm surrounded on almost all sides by shitty person after shitty person. Sorry if this wasn't good enough. I'm blanking at the moment.


ahh, no, I'm the middle child. and I get what you mean by it shouldn't affect how she cares for us,, but it kinda has.
she spends less time with us (like, less than before), and she gets annoyed and snaps at us quicker. she's kinda just gotten,,, lazy? as a parent I guess.

Have you had a talk with her about this? Maybe something like this is in order, or at least find someone to talk to about it at school, maybe to let off steam, so that you have an outlet for all this pent up stress? It's possible she may feel very stressed as well given the events in your lives. If so, I think it's safe to say thst the best thing you can do is be there for her and such.


Ok, so I have this friend who has a slew of mental health problems, including deppression, and she's gotten a lot closer with my other friend, Ahmadinejad depression. They're kind of binding over it, I guess. And I feel kind of jealous that they're getting so close, but I can't really relate to what they talk about. I just don't want to be a crappy friend, but I don't really know what to do…..Sorry if this seems really shallow

It's OK that you don't quite relate… You don't have to relate, all you have to do is sympathize and have a desire to help. And if something comes up, that you can relate to. That's great. Just as long as you try your best to help someone out of their funk…


it's nice to meet you too despite this conversation ^^
also,, I like your positive look on it, but I have no doubt she was cheating. that's why my parents split so suddenly. she was caught. as for her way of coping,, I honestly feel a bit concerned if that is her way of coping, because she has me and my siblings to take care of so, it's not the best thing to be doing.

also hello new person, any advice is welcome at this point so go for it, I can try to help you too if you want?

Also… I'm inclined to agree with you there…

By the way… Sorry for just barging in here and spamming the hell out of your thread… I just wanted to pitch in my bit of advice…


Words of encouragement from Shuri-kun!

What's up everyone, I just wanted to say, that you're all such wonderful people…

Each one of you, is smarter, stronger, more simpatico, and more beautiful, than even you know! Such a wonderful culmination of writers, artists, musicians and badasses, each and every one of you a crucial, adamantine pillar holding up the temple that is this site. I love you all more than words can express… And I support you enough to help you carry any burden… Each one of you has the personal fortitude to pick up the shattered pieces of your broken heart and keep going… And as you scale the terraces of this metaphorical "Purgatory of Troubles", I'm sure you'll find it easier to keep calm and carry no, no matter what…

So if you're feeling under the weather, just read this, drink some warm milk, take a shower, and find a way to love yourselves. If you need advice, if you need love, if you need support, if you need to rant, vent or get a few things off your chest PM me, and I'll help you til' my last breath! And I'm sure all of you would do the same for eachother. So keep this community a tight-knit one!

See you round, darlings!