forum can I get a little advice?
Started by @RainClouds_Itachi_

people_alt 3 followers


alright, I'm going to be blunt. (and there is definitely gonna be some TMI)

I had a fight with my mom, and this isn't the first time in the last while.
I'm just really upset, because anytime I try to talk to her, to tell her how I'm feeling, she yells at me or interrupts me.
she doesn't listen anymore, it feels like she doesn't care anymore, and to top it off, I can hear her masturbating while talking to someone a lot at night.

it's really bothering me, especially because my parents just split up in the beginning of September. there's just so much going on and it's really stressing me out, which makes me not want to go to school or do anything else, which then makes my mom more mad at me. it feels like she's someone else now.

and I know I probably shouldn't be putting this on the internet, but I don't know who else I can talk to about this. I just want to know what I'm supposed to do at this point, I feel so hurt and confused right now.

if anyone can just give any kind of advice at all I'd appreciate it. thanks.

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Look, you expressed your lack of interest in going to school and that you are stressed. There are stages of stress and sometimes those can lead to small amounts of depression. You're stressed out about this and it might be causing you to lash out.

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As for the mom stuff, well… Do you mind if I ask how old you are? You don't have to tell me…

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Okay, Lol. Hello, my names is Darren and I am 17, Good to meet you!

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You have to be patient, remember that the separation between your parents is something you're struggling with but your mom is struggling too? People have different ways of coping to that kind of thing.

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And the stuff in her room, I hate to conclude that she was cheating because I don't know the situation but it might be another way of coping?

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(Sorry to invade ur convo, but @CW-daredevils😈 ur really good at giving advice! Could you give me some?….)

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(Sorry to invade ur convo, but @CW-daredevils😈 ur really good at giving advice! Could you give me some?….)

(Of course! Or at least I can try… What's up? Also you can call me Darren)

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Ok, so I have this friend who has a slew of mental health problems, including deppression, and she's gotten a lot closer with my other friend, Ahmadinejad depression. They're kind of binding over it, I guess. And I feel kind of jealous that they're getting so close, but I can't really relate to what they talk about. I just don't want to be a crappy friend, but I don't really know what to do…..Sorry if this seems really shallow


it's nice to meet you too despite this conversation ^^
also,, I like your positive look on it, but I have no doubt she was cheating. that's why my parents split so suddenly. she was caught. as for her way of coping,, I honestly feel a bit concerned if that is her way of coping, because she has me and my siblings to take care of so, it's not the best thing to be doing.

also hello new person, any advice is welcome at this point so go for it, I can try to help you too if you want?

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it's nice to meet you too despite this conversation ^^
also,, I like your positive look on it, but I have no doubt she was cheating. that's why my parents split so suddenly. she was caught. as for her way of coping,, I honestly feel a bit concerned if that is her way of coping, because she has me and my siblings to take care of so, it's not the best thing to be doing.

also hello new person, any advice is welcome at this point so go for it, I can try to help you too if you want?

Well, (Sorry if there is any smol ears on here now…) sexual pleasure shouldn't affect how she cares for her children in my opinion. Are you the oldest sibling?

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Ok, so I have this friend who has a slew of mental health problems, including deppression, and she's gotten a lot closer with my other friend, Ahmadinejad depression. They're kind of binding over it, I guess. And I feel kind of jealous that they're getting so close, but I can't really relate to what they talk about. I just don't want to be a crappy friend, but I don't really know what to do…..Sorry if this seems really shallow

They both are 'depressed' (Whether self diagnosed or doctor diagnosed…) and bonding over it isn't really a good idea anyways. I mean, it's a medical problem that has stages and needs treatment to keep from getting worse. Although, look at it this way. A treatment for depression is talking to someone and they have found each other to talk to so maybe it'll help them? I think all you can do is try to support and be there for them in whatever they need. Let them know that they can always talk to you about things that happen and just try to understand where they're coming from. If you find it too hard to relate to them or to give advice, just say, "Hey, I've never experienced that but I'm here to help you," or something along those lines.

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But don't let yourself feel left out and you can tell them if you do feel left out too. As a friend group you should be inclusive, if that makes sense?

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Okay guys, I gotta go to bed. I'll be back tomorrow morning pretty early. Night guys!


ahh, no, I'm the middle child. and I get what you mean by it shouldn't affect how she cares for us,, but it kinda has.
she spends less time with us (like, less than before), and she gets annoyed and snaps at us quicker. she's kinda just gotten,,, lazy? as a parent I guess.

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(They are both diagnosed with depression)

Okay, then maybe they're helping each other?