forum Can anyone tell me what needles feel like?
Started by @Mojack group

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@Mojack group

Alright hep b shouldn’t hurt too much, since they’re inserting it more at a 45 degree angle than straight down. I might be wrong, it might hurt like a shit, but idk. I feel like it won’t hurt as much as a tetnis (whatever) or polio which goes straight down into the muscle.

Oof, I think I’ve gotta get the tetanus shot. Oh well. It’s better than dying.


The ache differs in intensity depending on the shot, like some of them it's just a dull ache and others its like a migraine but in your arm, you know.

Deleted user


Well if you got them during childhood you should be able to decline it. If not you should prolly get it (also I was a little wrong the shots don’t go directly into the muscle but very close)

Deleted user

The ache differs in intensity depending on the shot, like some of them it's just a dull ache and others its like a migraine but in your arm, you know.

Pretty much, yeah.

Dude I remember when I got my piccline

Holy shit

@HighPockets group

Okay so they hurt less than a cat bite.
They kind of pinch and I used to be terrified of them, but they don't really bug me anymore. They are over pretty quickly, so if you can focus on something else while getting the shot that's good.
Afterwards the pain can vary from not very much to barely being able to move the arm or leg or whatever, also bruising if you get a bad doctor.