forum Can anyone tell me what needles feel like?
Started by @Mojack group

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@Mojack group

well, it's never been worse than a bee sting for me, but uh, how bout piercings? it's less than that too

I’ve never had piercings, either.

@Mojack group

jeez. well, i guess pinching yourself as hard as you can hurts more?? i uh, im kinda outta analogies

I pinched myself and I think that’s how the needle’s gonna feel. That works.

a little pinch, and then it’s pretty much over

yeah basically

I have a strong fear of needles but the pinch does make sense, I’ve gotten better with dental needles so I should be better with these ones

Deleted user

Alright step out of the way queen of needles right here

I’ve gotten two picclines, many, many IVs and as among vaccinations as I can count.

Do you know what type of vaccinations you’re getting? Because it can really vary.

@Mojack group

Alright step out of the way queen of needles right here

I’ve gotten two picclines, many, many IVs and as among vaccinations as I can count.

Do you know what type of vaccinations you’re getting? Because it can really vary.

I can get back to you later, but I’m due for hepatitis b shots and a few more that I don’t remember.

Deleted user

Alright hep b shouldn’t hurt too much, since they’re inserting it more at a 45 degree angle than straight down. I might be wrong, it might hurt like a shit, but idk. I feel like it won’t hurt as much as a tetnis (whatever) or polio which goes straight down into the muscle.

Deleted user

If tetanus shots aren’t bad then they’re doing it wrong lmao

Deleted user

It might be idk

That’s why those shots are so long-term

Because they cut deep and HURT

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“Insert needle at a 90° angle into thickest portion of deltoid muscle — above the level of the axilla and below the ..”

But for children it’s 45 degrees