forum Book Suggestions? (Perferably Fantasty o/ )
Started by @bubblegumcity

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Hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm Ari. And I want to read books. Pretty simple I know.
this isn't just for me, it's for anyone who wants to read through! So please give a suggestion!! I'd like it if you gave a little description of what it's about too. Thank you so much!! o/


The best! (Though to be fair I haven't read a lot of other fantasy but Tolkien is fantastic. He is also the best worldbuilder ever.

Tolkien was the KING of worldbuilding, no contest.
I'd suggest The Demon King by Cinda Williams Chima, and A Natural History of Dragons by Marie Brennan.

@Starfast group

I was going to make an effort to stop shoving this series down everyone's throat every time a recommendations thread comes up but

The Edge Chronicles by Paul Stewart are just so, so good. Basically

  • The world building is amazing and so unique
  • It's divided up into 3 different sagas that take place over different periods of time, so we get to see how the world changes and progresses over time which I feel you don't really see a lot of in fantasy
  • There's so much action. There's hardly any boring bits (and the parts that are slower or less exciting are usually still relevant to the story, even if it's not apparent right away)
  • There's really nice illustrations
  • It's marketed as a middle grade book but don't let that fool you. They actually deal with a lot of really dark themes (slavery, corruption, and some of the character deaths are pretty brutal)
  • There's sky pirates, as if that's not a huge plus.

Deleted user

The Undertow Series by Micheal Buckley.
It's a fiction fantasy trilogy that I rather enjoy… even though I haven't found the second book yet… Take this with a grain of salt since i've only read one but i really like it!


Oh my gosh thank you guys!! so happy that im going to the library today too. I'll see if the library has them!!!!!!! but keep writing if you want lol


@@Jynnie OMG yes!! He just hands Isobel a dead rabbit like, still with the fur and everything and she just burst out laughing and he's like "what???? did i do something wrong????" "It appears we have stumbled upon the resting place of a Barrow Lord" "And this the first time you've come across one isn't it"