forum Beings of the void (hell chat 2) (open)

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@IcarusFightsTheSun book

im not new to elise's channel, but just to rly hammer in the point; elise, you're beautiful, your cosplays are awesome and your videos are genuinely enjoyable and im not just saying that because im biased to your amazing personality :3

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

(also, guys help, the skeleton inside me is trying to release itself from this prison of flesh, guys it literally hurst so bad T^T)


(also, guys help, the skeleton inside me is trying to release itself from this prison of flesh, guys it literally hurst so bad T^T)

i can give you monster but im pretty sure that will make ur skeleton just start to shake

@Serenity88 group

I found a site to watch certain Netflix shows when you dont have Netflix and I watched most of season 2 of that one Netflix show last night they have a whole bunch of stuff but im only there for Arcane and The Clone Wars
its, but when I tried to type just that it was an unsafe site, so type 'levidia' in google , the first one is the right one. I think they have the 'download' option but I haven't tried it out

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

(also, guys help, the skeleton inside me is trying to release itself from this prison of flesh, guys it literally hurst so bad T^T)

i can give you monster but im pretty sure that will make ur skeleton just start to shake

you'll just make it stronger (i have a doc appointment lol👍)

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

(uuuuuggggggggghhhhhh, trying to make my lazy recycled costume work when i CAN'T FIND THAT ONE SPESIFIC BLOUSE THAT I NEED AND I CAN'T TELL IF I ACCIDENTLY MADE THE OUTFIT TOO STEAMPUNK)

@gay_corgi group

(uuuuuggggggggghhhhhh, trying to make my lazy recycled costume work when i CAN'T FIND THAT ONE SPESIFIC BLOUSE THAT I NEED AND I CAN'T TELL IF I ACCIDENTLY MADE THE OUTFIT TOO STEAMPUNK)

(Ohhhh nooooo that sucks!)

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

(uuuuuggggggggghhhhhh, trying to make my lazy recycled costume work when i CAN'T FIND THAT ONE SPESIFIC BLOUSE THAT I NEED AND I CAN'T TELL IF I ACCIDENTLY MADE THE OUTFIT TOO STEAMPUNK)

(Ohhhh nooooo that sucks!)

(Heh, don’t mind me, apparently my mum borrowed it for a steam punk outfit a while ago lmao =w=)

@Serenity88 group

spooky scary gymbro skelens

spooky scary buff gymbro skelens

Spooky scary buff gymbro prison breaking skelens

spooky scary buff gymbro prison breaking badass skelens

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

spooky scary gymbro skelens

spooky scary buff gymbro skelens

Spooky scary buff gymbro prison breaking skelens

spooky scary buff gymbro prison breaking badass skelens

Spooky scary buff gymbro prison breaking badass skelens for the skelen war

@Serenity88 group

every single, without fail, I think of something that would be good to post and FORGET IT 30SECONDS LATER
im a genius when I stop being stupid I swear

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

i love how the last 4 posts have no connection lol
anyways, noodle, tf is a langos???

avhira, i wish u a good cup of hot choco and a fluffy blanket

ren… same. it's a struggle.😑

@gay_corgi group