forum Bedrooms

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What are your guys’ rooms like? Are they all aesthetic and cute with fairy lights and plants everywhere, or are they a complete mess with trash everywhere? Or perhaps somewhere in the middle? Do you hang posters, pictures, or artwork on your walls? What’s your bed frame like, or do you not have one? Is your room tiny or huge, and do you share it with someone? Hardwood floors or carpet? Are there tons of windows lighting it up, just one or two, or none? I’m curious as to what your rooms are like.

(P.S. you do not have to answer all/any of these, I was just giving sample questions and stuff)

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Crowded. Two bunk beds. Three dressers. Not very clean looking white walls. Some pictures from a trip while I was four. A picture of Mr. Toad dressed up as that famous prince looking dude with the hat and blue suit.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

My room is pretty big. I have beige walls, and river rock work at the windows. I have hardwood floors, and I have two huge bay windows, and a door in the center that leads out to the wooden balcony. The balcony has all my plants. I have a recliner in it, but that is deemed the dog's chair. Besids the recliner is a floor to ceiling bookshelf, and beside the bookshelf is a small table, and a desk. Beside the desk is a refrigerator, and then a medium sized rocking chair. There's a upright piano beside the rocking chair, and then cubbies for all my yarn, bc I crotchet. There's another rocking chair bc why not, and my bass and guitar are on display. Beside the cubbies there's my work bench, that has a various assortment of fabric, and cutting utensils, and thread. Off to the side of my work bench, there's a dresser for sheets, that also has a gigantic mirror attached to it. Then you step to the right of it, and my bathroom is there. Come out of the bathroom and there's a cedar dresser that has all my clothes, then my bed, and at the foot of my bed, is a reclining couch, just in case friends come to visit, a table with the tv and ps4 and Wii on it, and then an art desk bc inspiration strikes at any given moment. Pretend to stand in the middle and go left to right in a circle.
(But my sister has the cool room… She has the skylight, and the catwalk that connects our two rooms together…)

Deleted user

My room is the smallest in my house and I love it. The walls are a freshly painted light french gray, a white ceiling, white trim, and a grayish carpet. I have a built in desk with shelves above it that are painted a blue-green for an accent color. My bed is never made with my weighted blanket usually balled up near the end of my bed so I can use the majority of the bed for writing and drawing. My bed is pretty much the messiest part of my room. The only things I display on my shelves are my swimming trophies, the books I am reading (or re-reading), and a Piplup plushie. My white nightstand holds my water bottle, lotion, a diffuser, headphones, and occasionally my phone. Other than that, my possessions are hidden in my dresser drawers or my closet. Right beside my dresser is an empty hamster/mouse cage I have yet to get a resident for. Sometimes my writing or drawings are scattered on my bed or floor. I only have one window with the view of a lovely stone wall (my room is in the basement of our house and the window is primarily meant for safety reasons). I also normally wake up to a fuzzy little (sometimes not so little) spider friend hanging out in a corner.
Oop I forgot…I also have a drawing my sister did for my birthday of my favorite bolt-action sniper rifle, a M24, with a gun skin from PUBG hanging on my wall near my bed.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Wooden floor, sea-green walls, purple bed that looks like a fainting couch, a clock that looks like the moon, a lamp that looks like spilled paint, about four books stacked on my nightstand. My bookshelves match my nightstand, kinda an ash-colored wood. The whole setup is basically 14 squares. There's a lil box of rocks, a globe, a picture from a concert I went to when I was 9, and some cards from my grandparents on top of the shelves. My desk is an absolute mess. It's just covered in random crap that I'm too lazy to move. Including a typewriter. I have a white dresser that is a huge mess as well, and a closet that's basically a junkyard. Oh, I also have a kinda fluffy rug. And posters everywhere.

@HighPockets group

I've also got a white dresser in a sort of deep closet with white curtains to enter it, a window at ground level. A white bedframe with lots of storage room and a heavy weighted blanket, as well as four non-weighted ones. Lots of random bags, folders/binders, and loose papers on the ground. Random pieces of fandom merch and photographs all over, a painting from my aunt of some red flowers, a fancy wooden E that I won from the library, a rhinestoney Eiffel Tower portrait, and a lot of hats.


My room is pretty big. I have beige walls, and river rock work at the windows. I have hardwood floors, and I have two huge bay windows, and a door in the center that leads out to the wooden balcony. The balcony has all my plants. I have a recliner in it, but that is deemed the dog's chair. Besids the recliner is a floor to ceiling bookshelf, and beside the bookshelf is a small table, and a desk. Beside the desk is a refrigerator, and then a medium sized rocking chair. There's a upright piano beside the rocking chair, and then cubbies for all my yarn, bc I crotchet. There's another rocking chair bc why not, and my bass and guitar are on display. Beside the cubbies there's my work bench, that has a various assortment of fabric, and cutting utensils, and thread. Off to the side of my work bench, there's a dresser for sheets, that also has a gigantic mirror attached to it. Then you step to the right of it, and my bathroom is there. Come out of the bathroom and there's a cedar dresser that has all my clothes, then my bed, and at the foot of my bed, is a reclining couch, just in case friends come to visit, a table with the tv and ps4 and Wii on it, and then an art desk bc inspiration strikes at any given moment. Pretend to stand in the middle and go left to right in a circle.
(But my sister has the cool room… She has the skylight, and the catwalk that connects our two rooms together…)

Your room sounds so amazing 🥺


My room is pink, very pink, with pink walls, pink curtains, and a pink ceiling fan with little pink lampshade things on the lightbulbs. And then I have white furniture: a white bed, a white nightstand, a white dresser, and white closet, and white shelves. I think that pink and white go nicely together. My bed's a twin but still takes up a lot of room, especially since it's in the middle. It's pretty tall and I have blue and white sheets and a pink, purple, and orange striped quilt. I don't have a lot of empty wall space because it's all taken up by posters, art, and my musical wall. I have a bunch of prayer cards on the wall around my closet and door. I also have a big Hufflepuff banner above my bed, another small dresser thing at the end of my bed, and on the wall to the left of my bed I have my American girl dolls on their beds that I barely play with anymore but my sister likes them

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Medium sized bedroom with a light brown carpet (gross), light grey walls and dark bluish-grey trim. A single window takes up most of one wall. I have some of my artwork adorning some walls, a Spn pillowcase that I turned into a poster, Spn curtains, and some other Spn paraphernalia. I still have to paint symbols from the show in a blood-red colour!

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

My room is pretty big. I have beige walls, and river rock work at the windows. I have hardwood floors, and I have two huge bay windows, and a door in the center that leads out to the wooden balcony. The balcony has all my plants. I have a recliner in it, but that is deemed the dog's chair. Besids the recliner is a floor to ceiling bookshelf, and beside the bookshelf is a small table, and a desk. Beside the desk is a refrigerator, and then a medium sized rocking chair. There's a upright piano beside the rocking chair, and then cubbies for all my yarn, bc I crotchet. There's another rocking chair bc why not, and my bass and guitar are on display. Beside the cubbies there's my work bench, that has a various assortment of fabric, and cutting utensils, and thread. Off to the side of my work bench, there's a dresser for sheets, that also has a gigantic mirror attached to it. Then you step to the right of it, and my bathroom is there. Come out of the bathroom and there's a cedar dresser that has all my clothes, then my bed, and at the foot of my bed, is a reclining couch, just in case friends come to visit, a table with the tv and ps4 and Wii on it, and then an art desk bc inspiration strikes at any given moment. Pretend to stand in the middle and go left to right in a circle.
(But my sister has the cool room… She has the skylight, and the catwalk that connects our two rooms together…)

Your room sounds so amazing 🥺

Thank you!

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Medium sized bedroom with a light brown carpet (gross), light grey walls and dark bluish-grey trim. A single window takes up most of one wall. I have some of my artwork adorning some walls, a Spn pillowcase that I turned into a poster, Spn curtains, and some other Spn paraphernalia. I still have to paint symbols from the show in a blood-red colour!

Deleted user

My room is pretty big. I have beige walls, and river rock work at the windows. I have hardwood floors, and I have two huge bay windows, and a door in the center that leads out to the wooden balcony. The balcony has all my plants. I have a recliner in it, but that is deemed the dog's chair. Besids the recliner is a floor to ceiling bookshelf, and beside the bookshelf is a small table, and a desk. Beside the desk is a refrigerator, and then a medium sized rocking chair. There's a upright piano beside the rocking chair, and then cubbies for all my yarn, bc I crotchet. There's another rocking chair bc why not, and my bass and guitar are on display. Beside the cubbies there's my work bench, that has a various assortment of fabric, and cutting utensils, and thread. Off to the side of my work bench, there's a dresser for sheets, that also has a gigantic mirror attached to it. Then you step to the right of it, and my bathroom is there. Come out of the bathroom and there's a cedar dresser that has all my clothes, then my bed, and at the foot of my bed, is a reclining couch, just in case friends come to visit, a table with the tv and ps4 and Wii on it, and then an art desk bc inspiration strikes at any given moment. Pretend to stand in the middle and go left to right in a circle.
(But my sister has the cool room… She has the skylight, and the catwalk that connects our two rooms together…)

Your room sounds so amazing 🥺

Thank you!

Winter, you have a house inside your room. XD

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

My room is pretty big. I have beige walls, and river rock work at the windows. I have hardwood floors, and I have two huge bay windows, and a door in the center that leads out to the wooden balcony. The balcony has all my plants. I have a recliner in it, but that is deemed the dog's chair. Besids the recliner is a floor to ceiling bookshelf, and beside the bookshelf is a small table, and a desk. Beside the desk is a refrigerator, and then a medium sized rocking chair. There's a upright piano beside the rocking chair, and then cubbies for all my yarn, bc I crotchet. There's another rocking chair bc why not, and my bass and guitar are on display. Beside the cubbies there's my work bench, that has a various assortment of fabric, and cutting utensils, and thread. Off to the side of my work bench, there's a dresser for sheets, that also has a gigantic mirror attached to it. Then you step to the right of it, and my bathroom is there. Come out of the bathroom and there's a cedar dresser that has all my clothes, then my bed, and at the foot of my bed, is a reclining couch, just in case friends come to visit, a table with the tv and ps4 and Wii on it, and then an art desk bc inspiration strikes at any given moment. Pretend to stand in the middle and go left to right in a circle.
(But my sister has the cool room… She has the skylight, and the catwalk that connects our two rooms together…)

Your room sounds so amazing 🥺

Thank you!

Winter, you have a house inside your room. XD

I honestly feel like Rapunzel from Tangled, trapped in a tower. That's what to feels like. But it's gonna get better.

@Pickles group

My walls are light pink and dark pink with lil purple flowers on the line. My furniture is not doing so hot. Most of it's an off-white and the paint is coming off. My bed posts are falling apart. My chair is pink and spinny. my dresser and desk have shelves on them that have random stuff and lots of dust. I have a chest that my grandfather made, which doesn't match but I have a blanket over it anyways to stop the sun from ruining it. On top of said chest is my makeup and Star Wars shrine.
It's real messy even though I'm trying to clean it because I wanted to repaint it for my birthday yet here we are, a month later

Deleted user

my room is really mismatched. it looks like a hurricane tore it apart and i didn't bother to pick it up, its mostly paper. i don't have a bedframe, just a mattress on the floor and a big orange dresser next to it. my walls are greyish, and i have band/ anime posters everywhere. i have a couple instruments laying around, and a billion art supplies on the floor. a chest at the foot of my bed that holds the books that it would fit not all of them…i have a few book cases filled and still more on my floor and on top of that are my birds. faerie lights are hung on my walls, along with a pan pride flag. instead of a closet door, i have a curtain and many boxes next to that. they contain more books and clothes.


My house has an apartment attached, so to make up for the fact that we had to move my parents gave me the apartment. It's basically a small ground floor with a fireplace, tiny kitchen, couch and my mom's office space. Then you walk up the stairs to my loft. It's a little smaller than the ground floor cause it's a loft so the stairs and balcony take up a lot of space, but it's still a good size. When you walk up the stairs you stand right in front of my tiny (like very very tiny) closet with the washer and dryer in it. Most of my clothes are hanging there, but I shoved my boxes that I haven't unpacked yet beneath them. Then there's a small bathroom with a toilet, sink, shower, and some shelves. But my favorite part about the bathroom, and probably my whole room, is that the bathroom window is the perfect size for me to sneak out on to the roof, and it's the only place in the house where you can do it. The rest of my room is simple. One of the walls is my closet, bathroom, and bookshelf. The other has my bed and bedside table up against it. The other two walls are about five feet away from the balcony and they extend all the way to the ground floor. One of my favorite things about my room is the other two walls, cause they're completely covered from the ground to the ceiling in windows. It's a little awkward in the day because there's no shades so anyone can see in, but my house sits in a little grove of trees so I'm mostly hidden from the rest of our neighborhood. In the day I like to watch the birds in the trees from my windows, and at night i'm at the perfect height to watch the sunset. Other than that, my room is pretty plain. I guess ever since I moved I never wanted to fully unpack because I know it will never be the same as my childhood room. Still, I ski and compete in Freeride comps so all of my trophies are set up on top of my bookshelf. Other than that there's only plants and candles. I have two plants on my window sill, one in my bathroom, three downstairs on top of the fireplace mantel, and two that are currently sitting on the floor. As for the candles, I've lost count of how many I've collected, but they're spread out on the surfaces around my room. Also, I don't know how I forgot this, but my record player sits on my bedside table, with my big box of records I've collected over the year on the floor. That's basically it. :)

@-ellia-cant-think-of-a-username- group

Welp, ok. My room is pretty small. The mismatched furniture takes up 3/4 of the room, my guinea pigs take up the other. It's honestly quite an ugly room. It has white walls with one teal wall (courtesy to my 11-year-old self) and all the furniture is black or white. It's not actually a bedroom. It used to be joined to our guest room with a curtain, but my dad built a wall there. Buttt, there's also a vent or something that extends in a big block from that same area. I know my dad wanted to make the room bigger, but now I have an ugly column thingy that makes the room look more cluttered. I have a flat grey carpet barely covering the tile. (we never used actaul carpet because hay gets very easily stuck in it.) I really, really want to redesign in. So badly. I want to have a grey theme, and I'm very slowly making my way to that dream. Cause I have no money to redecorate my room, and my parents don't want me to paint the teal wall. Fun. I'm kinda thankful for the view, and although it really only looks out to other houses, I can see lots of stars on a good night. As much as I hate how it looks, it's my safe place. It's home.

@Becfromthedead group

My room has tan carpet and gray and purple walls. I have some cool music-themed aesthetic wall decals running near the window, which is covered with gray curtains. My furniture is dark brown wood. The main color scheme overall seems to be purple, black, and silver. There are stuffed animals everywhere. Pillows everywhere. I have to have things to cuddle at night. I have a tall bookshelf, and it's basically full. Most of the shelves are books, but the bottom shelf holds a lot of my knitting stuff, and on top, there are old trophies and ribbons and stuff. There's another small shelf by the desk that houses art supplies.
But my room is a whole disaster. I can't bring myself to unpack all my crap from moving back from college yet…

Deleted user

the theme of my room is just…gray lol
i love gray and brown…and black
i've got a mattress on the floor that i sleep on, one or two blankets on it prolly
mmm v'got a brown dresser beside it-it's kinda huge and i dont like it, but it holds all my clothes so it's not too bad
skateboard beside it
then we got a small-ish desk opposite of my bed with a pc on it- it's very old, i doubt it works anymore but it's there
got this really old fashioned sewing machine too but i dont really sew
aunt gave it to me for my birthday- it was nice of her i guess
and yeah…i think that's about it
i plan on getting posters but im currently broke so no can do


Well you see, my room has a total of 36 square inches worth of walking space. I have a single shelf pushed against the wall the top two shelves are covered with 109 nail polishes all labeled with a number and in number order. the other shelves are filled with books galore and a few to many Dolphin statues. My favorite is a dolphin that is carved out of wood it's very very pretty. I have a fluffy blue rug on the floor. I only have two walls, the other two 'Walls' are made up of my desk and dresser, and my sisters dresser. Very confusing I know.
There is one true room it's a pretty big room, with in that one room there are 4 'rooms' mine is one of them. There are three rooms made into 'rooms' by dressers, shelves, and a fish tank or two. the fourth room is the toy room or 'Play room' as we call it. It's the original room.
Now you may be wondering, why on earth would you do that when there are plenty of rooms in the house. For that you'll have to go to the Personal venting chat.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Well you see, my room has a total of 36 square inches worth of walking space. I have a single shelf pushed against the wall the top two shelves are covered with 109 nail polishes all labeled with a number and in number order. the other shelves are filled with books galore and a few to many Dolphin statues. My favorite is a dolphin that is carved out of wood it's very very pretty. I have a fluffy blue rug on the floor. I only have two walls, the other two 'Walls' are made up of my desk and dresser, and my sisters dresser. Very confusing I know.
There is one true room it's a pretty big room, with in that one room there are 4 'rooms' mine is one of them. There are three rooms made into 'rooms' by dressers, shelves, and a fish tank or two. the fourth room is the toy room or 'Play room' as we call it. It's the original room.
Now you may be wondering, why on earth would you do that when there are plenty of rooms in the house. For that you'll have to go to the Personal venting chat.

No privacy, and no space to actually call your own…. I feel you; my "bedroom" for a little more than a decade was the living room.


OK so my room is pretty much always cluttered. It's square, with three grey walls and one bright aqua wall. I have a loft bed with like 7 blankets on it, a bunch of stuffed animals hidden up there (I have to snuggle something in order to go to sleep), and a few quotes made my me taped to the side of the bed ("Weird is just a side effect of being awesome", "Chaos. Good news. - Kevin Flynn", "Let the nerds take over", "Courage & Confidence"). The desk is always cluttered with various papers, and it has an Anthropologie bowl and mug that I pretty much only use for storing art supplies. There's also a tissue box covered in paper and made to look like diamond ore from Minecraft (actually a dance ask reply that I kept shh), my old microscope that I hardly ever use anymore, and a large initial also from Anthropologie. I have three desk drawers, the first for various drawing supplies, the second for paper, and the third completely filled with my colour-coded bags of Legos. The shelves have my various board/card/etc. games on them, as well as two crate thingies, one mostly empty and one filled with old yarn. I have an old desk chair that I've had since I was like two. I also have a giant bookshelf with 16 square shelves, and the top shelves get the most important stuff, like my Horrible History/Horrible Science/Horribly Famous/Horrible Geography books, my (hardcover) copies of the entire Harry Potter series, the Chronicles of Prydain series, the Lunar Chronicles, Beowulf, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Walter the Farting Dog, Flotsam, and a bunch of other books that I'm too lazy to type out. I also have a shelf devoted to like 30 National Geographics. On top of the bookshelf, there's a bunch of decorative crap, like a foam Minecraft diamond sword, a few old Lego creations, some pictures, and some LED Ikea lights that I use for dance parties. On the side, there's a The Daily B** calendar thingy taped on that says "It's all fun and games until you realize I wasn't joking about being crazy." (there is another one on my door that says "I wouldn't mind a little adoration today.", and I am planning on adding a Tron-related quote thingy that threatens anyone who doesn't knock with immediate de-resolution). Then I have my closet, the floor of which is always covered in shoes, and not even my parents know this: I have secretly written a lot of stuff on the walls inside in UV pen. Then I have a calendar and a Tron Recognizer decal, and then the bathroom, where the only thing worth mentioning is a makeup holder I made entirely out of Legos, and I also built it on a swiveling base, and it's pretty cool and I'm extremely proud. Oh yes, and in the other corner next to my bookshelf, there's an old brown-and-white armchair, my boyfriend Jasper (who's a Costco teddy bear), and some blankets and pillows. Above the ornament, on the walls, there's a 3-ft.-tall glow-in-the-dark Tron lightcycle decal and a giant flag that I made at a camp. Above the window, on an old curtain rod, is the patron saint of my room, a gorgeous merman ornament I named Diamond Dave (he's beautiful). Then, on the opposite corner from that, there's a desk with my guinea pig Captain's cage on it, and the space underneath the desk holds his food and bedding and stuff. On the wall above Captain's cage, there are a bunch of quotes and pictures (and in the drawer in the desk are a bunch of posters and quotes I still need to put up). I also have a Tron identity disc decal stuck onto my loft bed between the rungs on the ladder. Yeah, I like Tron. The floor is always messy and usually cluttered with Copic markers, but right now it's cluttered with various paint chips (like the samples you get from hardware stores) bc I'm addicted to colour and am currently in the process of making my own Colour Bible (don't question my motives).
So that's my room. Yay. Happy things.