forum Beauty (I just wanted to tell you guys what's been on my mind lately)
Started by @Masterkey

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I've recently been struggling with this feeling of not being fulfilled.

I don't know if there's ONE specific reason, but I know it has a lot to do with my going through a phase (that I'm mostly over now) of not being happy with who I was. Meaning, I felt like I wasn't doing the right thing.

I've gotten over that phase because I've gotten closer in my relationship with God, but I feel like there's MORE than just "obeying God" and "reading your Bible." What I'm about to say I think applies to everyone, whether or not you believe what I believe.

I've been feeling more fulfilled the more I see beauty. And by beauty, I don't necessarily mean conventional, societal beauty, but it's fine to appreciate that, too. I think beauty is so much more than just the way something looks. It's about things having an inherent value, therefore being beautiful. And there's beauty everywhere. In everyone. (Obviously, there are horrible things in this world that I don't have to think are beautiful. Certainly, not EVERYTHING is beautiful, but there is beauty EVERYWHERE.) When I look at the world and nature, I see a wonderful world where I used to see the plain old green and grey and brown that I see every day. Heck, I look at a parking garage and I still see something beautiful in what people have created. The aesthetic is nice, I guess. XD

And in every person there's a beating heart just like mine. We all may have made mistakes, we all may have done wrong, but I believe we were all MADE to be good. We were all MADE to be beautiful. Our destiny is to be good and beautiful. We all have infinite value. Everyone has a story, so I can't judge who they are or what they've been through. When I look at people through that lens, it makes me want to be kind to everyone. It makes me love human beings–everything that we are is messy, but there's beauty in us, too. And then it's not just about seeing beauty, but letting that mindset shape my actions.

I definitely don't have all the answers or the definitive solution for curing sadness or pain or whatever, but I do know that seeing the beauty in everything is making me feel more and more fulfilled.


Deleted user

👏 Absolutely beautiful! You should write a poem!


I can feel this, about the beauty and things. One of the main ways I get by in ife is by appreciating the little things, like a turtle I found in the pond, walking to the 7/11, or watching a movie with my parents.


You know. Einstein always thought that there were two types of God. One that burns bushes, parts seas, answers prayers, sends angels, and all that jazz, and another, the God of Harmony and Order in the universe. I'm sure you know that the chance of life developing on Earth was infinitesimal at best. The chance of Earth developing the way it did, and the fact that homonids, possibly the first Earthly creatures to form religion, came to be, are simply miraculous.


Yeah that's really interesting. I definitely think that there's only one God, and that those two sides of him are one. You said you've read the Bible, so I'll bet you've seen all the crazy-different aspects of God as one. It's really cool to study how they come together.

Don't know if I'm even on topic with what you were saying, though. XD


I'm not a very religious person. I mean, I'm agnostic after all. But I find religion fascinating, especially when it inspires people to look around them and realize the beauty and good this world holds. But I find it wonderful that people are not only able to believe in God, but also believe in themselves and the world around us. I don't have much faith in anything, except for nature and the possibility that someone above us is indeed looking out for our well-being. I don't plan on converting to any specific religion, but I find it beautiful how belief can help someone, and maybe even turn their life around. I don't know the exclusives of any religion, only the basics really. But I would love to learn some more, so I can hopefully understand more than I know now. Thank you for this beautiful post though, I felt a part of me connect with this somehow.


I'm a born-again Christian, who believe that God is watching out for us and loves us all. That helps to believe that I am beautiful and have a purpose in life.


I'm glad I could say this to at least a few, and I'm glad you guys connected with it. I think it's so important.


It's so true, though! Girls have a natural tendency to believe that they are ugly and undesirable, but in reality we are all very beautiful!