forum Be the last comment 2
Started by @JustALunaAngelPerson54

people_alt 85 followers


Valkyrie is good she misses me and new Asgard is just to gloomy the people aren't as happy and Thor is not being his normal self. Well I'm just going to keep the story short. Me and Valkyrie are best friends and New Asgard is just so sad that I make mischief each time I go to make everyone happy it works that they miss me and my twin every time we have to leave.


What is this?? Interesting…

There used to be a chat called the “Be The Last Comment Game”, it was one of the largest threads with over 1,000 pages, and the game was to try and be the last comment for a full 3 days…
No one ever won and the thread was eventually deleted, which is why we have this new one.

…No one’s actually here to play the game though, so it’s basically become a general chatting space that I like to spam occasionally with memes :D

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

What is this?? Interesting…

There used to be a chat called the “Be The Last Comment Game”, it was one of the largest threads with over 1,000 pages, and the game was to try and be the last comment for a full 3 days…
No one ever won and the thread was eventually deleted, which is why we have this new one.

…No one’s actually here to play the game though, so it’s basically become a general chatting space that I like to spam occasionally with memes :D

XD thanks @NutElla-is-dying-of-severe-embarrassment