forum BAD INJURY! Update: SHE'S BACC (+alive)!!!
Started by @TheGoldenLegend

people_alt 10 followers


She's home now! She looks looks pretty banged up, but she seems to be mildly okay and super tired. She cant really stomache food and is sleeping like the dead right now.


She just woke up and told me to tell y'all she just got back from the hospital….after I told her that I told y'all she came back from the hospital XD
She keeps forgetting what I just told her 😁


So apparently Nina was swinging high and when she was coming down for a swoop, the chain popped,and she fell forward, banged her head once, her body skipped a foot or two from the impact, she hit her head again and got rug burn from skidding on the cement.

@HighPockets group

She also basically cracked a part of her wrist off, so she has this huge cast on her arm too.

Oof wrist injuries can be bad. A friend of my mom's shattered her wrist in a bike crash (going downhill and squeezed her brakes too fast and flipped) a few years ago and it's still messed up. Tell Nina I hope she feels better