forum BAD INJURY! Update: SHE'S BACC (+alive)!!!
Started by @TheGoldenLegend

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This is TheAnimeAddict on my sisters account.
Today Nina (GoldenL) was swinging on a high swing, the chain popped and she fell. She fell hard on her face and upper body, blood was everywhere. She is in the emergency room right now and she needs prayers desperately. Please pray for her!


We just got feedback from the hospital. She has a fractured wrist, probably will need stitches for her face, and they are doing scans to see if she has a concussion.


Yeah, im 95 percent sure she has a concussion. She doesn't even remember falling, just waking up in the car going to the hospital, and she doesn't seem to be able to focus, from what my family told me. (I just got home)