forum B O O K S
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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I freaking agree with you @"Bianca di Angelo". The Percy Jackson Movies SUCK.

ME: "Hmm, I think I'll watch the Percy Jackson Movies today…"
(Watches the first movie)
ME: (Gets in a car and drives to wherever the movie director's house)
DIRECTOR: "Hello, miss. May I help you?"
ME: "Yes, please."
DIRECTOR: "Spill."
ME: "READ THE DARN FREAKING BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
(Throws book at Director)


I watched the first movie and then was ready to throw my tablet out the window I was so frustrated. The books deserved a wwwwwaaaaayyy better movie, if one at all.