forum Avatar The Last Airbender ( NOT. THE. MOVIE. )
Started by @German_Boats

people_alt 7 followers


How did you guys watch it? It came on like 12 years ago!

Seriously though, I loved it, I used to watch it with my mom all the time. I kinda started getting disinterested by the Fire book, but it's still an incredible show.


I was actually like 5 when it came on TV the first time and I used to catch some episodes, but it wasn't till I was like 11 when I actually watched the whole series (through reruns).


I was like eight when season three came out I believe. eight or nine. I loved it sooo much, even though my mom tried to ban it on the last episode lol


This show was so beautifully written. It's ahead of its time today, when it comes to all sorts of advocacy and a realistic interpretation of war's effect on people. It shows the toxicity of extreme nationalism and prejudice. It's just such a wonderful, wholesome tale that I would suggest parents show their children.
But the unspeakable live-action remake was a whitewashed piece of crap.


It was on Netflix for the longest time so I would always watch it with my brother until we finished it, then I just rewatched my favorite episodes because of the fight scenes or the backstory or for nostalgia purposes.


I have watched it through maybe like five times so far… all of my siblings love it and we watch it all the time. It's SO DANG GOOD.